Violet And Ruby Hatch

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Branch, Joy, and Poppy were waiting for their twin eggs to hatch

Poppy: I can't wait to see our twins

Branch: How ironic is it that we have twins? You have a twin brother and I have a twin sister and now we are going to have twins of our own

Then one of the eggs started to hatch

Joy: Mom! Dad! The egg is hatching!

Poppy and Branch: Which one?

Joy: The purple and blue egg and the other one is hatching a little

Then a light blue skinned troll with purple and pink hair hatched from the egg

And then a minute later a light blue  skinned troll with pink hair hatched from the other egg

Baby 1: *squeals happily* 😄

Baby 2:  *squeals happily* 😄

Joy: Aww 🥰 They're so cute

Poppy: What are we going to call them?

Branch: Well this one has hair and eyes as purple as a violet

He picks up baby 1

Branch: So how about Violet?

Violet:  *squeals happily* 😄

Poppy: I think she likes it

Then she picks up baby 2

Poppy: How about for her we call her Ruby?

Branch: Ruby?

Poppy: Yeah it's a pretty name

Ruby:  *squeals happily* 😄

Branch: Well than Ruby it is

Violet: Dada!

Branch: Aww 🥰

Ruby: Mama!

Poppy: Hi Ruby

Joy: They're so cute 🥰

So then the family clebrated the birth of the new princesses 

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