Family Bonding

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Clay and Flora were going on a brother sister bonding trip

They were also taking Melody and Dawn with them so they could bond too

They went to Sunset Island

Flora: Isn't it great? We don't have to worry about Shadow or being trapped in a diamond prison

Clay: Yeah and the kids can play together


Melody is 5 

Dawn is 10

Dawn: Look dad and Aunt Flora Mel and I found some coconuts

Clay: Cool

Then Melody and Dawn went to play in the water

Flora: They seem to be getting along

Clay: Yeah remember how long it took for John Dory and Clara to bond?

Flora: Oh I remember. I also remember how many times you almost died in those dreams including your own

Clay: Yeah I can't believe it either

Melody and Dawn were playing near the water in the sand

Melody: Look Dawn

She held up a shell

Dawn: Cool

Melody: Hey what's that?

Dawn: I don't know but it's coming towards us

Then they went towards Clay and Flora

Clay: Whoa what's going on?

Dawn: There's something in the water that was coming towards us

Flora: What?

Then a Techno Troll came out

Flora: Oh it's just a Techno Troll

Clay: I've never seen you before

Techno Troll: I'm Synth

Flora: Hi Synth I'm Flora

Clay: And I'm Clay

Synth: Nice to meet you. Who are these little ones?

Flora: Dawn and Melody

Synth: So they're your kids. Why does one have rainbow hair? Neither of you have rainbow hair

Clay: Oh we're not married we're siblings

Synth: Oh you're siblings

Flora: Yeah Melody is my daughter and Dawn is Clay's daughter

Clay: We're on a sibling bonding trip and decided to take the kids with us

Flora: Yeah Clay and have always had a special bond with each other and we want our kids to have that bond too

Synth: Cool sorry if I scared you

Flora: It's okay

Synth: Well I got to go see you later

Clay: Bye

Flora: See you later

Melody: I guess we got scared over nothing

Dawn: Yeah

Flora: Come on you 2 time for bed

Then they went to bed

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