Are You Kidding Me?

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It was late at night

Floyd and Boom were asleep 😴 in their room

Then they heard crying

Floyd: Huh?

Boom: What's that?

Floyd and Boom soon realized what it was

Both: Lavender!

They went into her bedroom and saw that she was missing

Boom: Where is she?

Remix: Dad? Papa? What's going on?

Floyd: Lavender is missing

Bang and Remix: WHAT?!

Boom: What happened to her?

Remix: Look a note

Then he picked it up

Floyd: Oh no Lavender has been kidnapped by the 2 explorers that try to get Jade to work with them

Boom: What are we gonna do?

Floyd: We have to tell Jade Dory and the others she'll know what to do

Jade Dory: Floyd? Is everything okay?

Floyd: Lavender has been kidnapped by those explorers

Jade Dory: Why those evil brutes! Come on let's go I won't let them get away with this!

Then they went to the mountain

Explorer 1: Ah I see you found the note we left behind

Jade Dory: Let my niece go

Explorer 2: Not until you agree to work for us

Jade Dory steps forward

Floyd takes her arm

Floyd: Jade I don't want to be the reason you're forced to do something you don't want to do

Jade Dory: Don't worry Floyd I have a plan 😉

Jade Dory went to the explorers

Jade Dory: How about this if you beat me in a challenge then I'll give myself up to you but if I win you let Lavender go

Explorer 1: Deal

Explorer 2: What's this challenge?

Jade Dory: Catch Me If You Can. The rules are simple if you find me and catch me then you win but there are some tricks in there

Explorer 1: Sounds easy enough you stay with the baby I'll take on this challenge

Jade Dory: Okay give me 10 seconds

Then she went inside the maze

Then the explorer went in

Explorer: Where are you?

Then he heard something

Explorer: Gotcha

Then he saw Jade Dory

Jade Dory: You still have to catch me

Then she ran

Explorer: I will

Then be chased her around

Jade Dory: Over here!

He went to where she was

Jade Dory: Too slow!

Then Jade was running towards the entrance and then she tripped

Explorer 1: Caught you!

Explorer 2: Good job

Troll: Did you really?

Explorer 1: Who said that?

Then the troll stepped into the light and revealed herself

Jade Dory: I did

Explorer 2: What?

Explorer 1: Then who's this?

Then the troll took out blue contacts that she was wearing and revealed she had violet eyes

Floyd: Flora

Flora: Hey Floyd

Explorer 1: How?

Jade Dory: I told you there were tricks in the challenge and this is one of them

Flora: Jade told me what happened and of course I came to help her out with her plan to get Lavender back

Jade Dory: I won the challenge now let Lavender go

The explorers ran to the mountain and Jade Dory followed them

Explorer 1: I will not let you win

Then the ground crumbed beneath them

Then Jade Dory was able to grab Lavender  from the explorers

Then the explorers fell to their death

Jade Dory: That's the last time we see them

Then Jade Dory came back down the mountain and gave Lavender back to Floyd

Floyd was happy to see his daughter again and that she wasn't hurt

Floyd: Thank you Jade

Jade Dory: No prob little bro

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