Basketball Practice

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This is based off of the basketball practice scene in Space Jam 2 A New Legacy

Vito: Ok guys let's focus so we can win this game

Peppermint: Vito we're doing this for fun

Vito: Let's start with the basics. Clara show em how we do it

Then Clara shoots a hoop

Clara: Easiest shot in the game

Vito: Alright let's get it started

Then BroZone, Kismet, Poppy, and Viva came and were watching them play

Clara blows her whistle and throws the basketball in the air

Blossom hits the ball to Peppermint

Peppermint: Alright let's hit it!

Then he starts to go towards the hoop

Jade Dory got the ball

Blossom: Hey

Jade Dory: Sorry sis different teams

Then Prism pushed Jade's goggles down and got the ball

Prism: Here Holly

She passes the ball to Holly

Holly: Thanks Prism

Then she passes Blair the ball

Blair: Ok here I go

Then she sees Flora

Blair: Oh hi Flora *blushes*

Clara: Oh boy

Vito: *face palms* 🤦🏻‍♂️

Blair gets distracted by her love for Flora then Peppermint took the ball

Peppermint: I got this

Then Blossom jumps on him

Blossom: No you don't

Then Prism gets the ball but Tracy pined her down

Autumn: Dome la pelota

Then Sandy used her hair to grab the ball

Autumn: Hey!

Sandy: Got it! Sorry Autumn

Then she passes it to Jade Dory

Sandy: Go ahead Jade!

Jade Dory: Thanks sis!

Vito: This isn't basketball

Peppermint: You're right but it's fun. You remember fun don't you?

Clara: Come on Vito let em have fun

Vito: Maybe you're right Clara

Clara: It's just a game don't worry about it

Vito: Yeah you're right

Branch: Wow did not expect that

John Dory: I mean they're our sisters Branch

Ablaze: I did not know my sister could speak Spanish

Trickee: Prism knows how to play

Hype: Uh huh

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