Boom's Friends

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Boom was hanging out with Kismet

Fin: Hey Boom

Boom: Fin! 😄

Then he goes to his friend

Boom: I haven't seen you since Rose became queen

Fin: I've been busy, but we decided to come see you today

Boom: We? 🤨

Then he sees a troll coming towards them that looks familiar

Troll: Hey Boomer. Long time no see

Boom: Dario! 😄

Then he goes to his old friend

Dario: Hey bud. It's great to see you again

Boom: Same here

Trickee: Who's this?

Boom: This is Dario he's one of my friends from the Flower Kingdom

Branch: I thought you only were friends with Fin

Boom: Oh no I had a whole friend group in the Flower Kingdom

Fin: Dario did you forget something?

Dario: What?

Fin: Where is everyone else?

Dario: Who?

Fin: You know who

Troll 1: Hey Dario wait up

Troll 2: You went ahead of us

Troll 3: Yeah for the 5th time

Dario: Sorry I keep forgetting

Troll 1: I'm not surprised

Troll 3: Where'd Moss go?

Troll 1: He was right here now where is he

Moss: Right here!

He was hanging from a tree

Moss: Hey Boom! Great to see you again

Boom: Moss! 😄

Troll 1: Hey Boom! Surprise!

Boom: Trunk! 😄

Troll: We are very happy to see you Boom

Ablaze, Trickee, Hype, and Branch: Huh? 🤨🤨🤨🤨

Boom: It's just how Florian talks. Sometimes it doesn't make sense, but he's saying that he's glad to see me again and I'm glad to see you again

Florian: Yeah that what I mean

Dario: We all are very happy to see you again Boomer

Ablaze: Boomer?

Boom: That was my nickname when I was little. Dario keeps calling me that but I don't mind it

Fin: Any way guys these are Boom's band mates. Branch, Ablaze, Trickee, and Hype

Dario: Nice to meet you

Moss: Sup?

Trunk: Hello

Florian: Great to meet you

Boom: This is great my old friends get to meet my new friends

Moss: So you're the friends that Fin told us about?

Trickee: Um yes

Trunk: Hesitating means that you're nervous and a little overwhelmed but there's nothing to be overwhelmed about

Hype: Um 

Boom: Oh Trunk is the smart one, Moss is the adventurous or daredevil, Dario is the one that zones out and is forgetful, and Fin is the kind one

Fin: And you're the fun one and the leader

Boom: Oh come on I was never a good leader

Moss: Yes you were

Dario: Don't say that

Boom: It's true though

Trunk: No it's not

Fin: Yeah stop being hard on your self

Boom: Come on guys I wasn't a good leader I got us in trouble a few times

Dario: Yeah but we got out of it

Boom: Yeah right like that's true

Moss: Come here you

Then Moss pulls Boom to him and messes with his hair

Boom: Moss

Moss: You know that you were a good leader even though you did lead us into trouble

Boom: Uh huh sure

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