Lavender Is Born

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BroZone, Poppy, Boom, and Viva were hanging out

Then they saw a group of trolls 

John Dory: Oh no we've got to go

Boom: Why?

John Dory: Those are some of the explorers that try to get Jade Dory

Branch: I thought it was only 2

John Dory: Apparently there are more of them

Clay: Okay let's move

They made it to the top off the mountain

John Dory: We should be safe here

Floyd: Ah!

Clay: Floyd, are you okay?

Floyd went to the ground

Boom: Floyd honey are you okay?

Floyd: Nope Boom it's happening

Boom: Now?

Floyd: Yes now

Boom: Oh man it couldn't have come later

Floyd: I don't get to choose when this happens

Bruce: What's going on?

Boom: I thought you were going to tell them

Floyd: I was but I didn't know if they were ready

Boom: Well you have no choice now

Branch: Floyd, what's going on?

Floyd: Guys you know that I was able to have Remix and Bang , right

Clay: Yes

Floyd: And remember when I said that I don't think I could have another

Branch: Yeah I remember that

Floyd: Well it turns out that I was wrong and I'm pregnant with another baby

Branch, Clay, Bruce, and John Dory: WHAT?!

Floyd: Yep

Clay: And you were going to tell us when?

Floyd: I didn't want to overwhelm you

Branch: Oh Floyd you wouldn't have overwhelmed us

John Dory: We would've been surprised but not overwhelmed

Floyd: Thanks guys

Then the trolls came towards them

Poppy: Guys we got to go

Floyd: I can't

Clay: Why?

Floyd: Another thing you should know is that I'm giving birth to the baby right now

Clay: Wait now?

Floyd: Yes

Bruce: Oh man

John Dory: Okay here's the plan. Poppy and Viva help Floyd deliver his baby and we'll fight these guys off

Then they went to fight the trolls

Poppy: Okay Floyd calm down

Viva: We're here for you

John Dory: You stay away from our brother!

They fought them off and then went to see how Floyd is doing

Clay: Floyd?

Bruce: Are you okay?

Poppy: Come see for yourself

They saw that Floyd was holding an egg

A few days later

The egg hatched

A baby girl with light purple skin and magenta pink hair hatched

Floyd: Awww 🥰

Baby: *squeals happily* 😄

Floyd: Let's call you Lavender

Then Remix, Bang, Boom, Floyd, and Lavender shared a hug

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