Meet My Girlfriend

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Ablaze: Hey guys

Trickee: Hey Ablaze

Boom: How are you?

Ablaze: Good I just want to introduce you to my girlfriend

Branch: Wait you have a girlfriend?

Ablaze: Yeah she said that she'd meet me here

Hype: How long have you 2 been together?

Ablaze: 2 weeks

Trickee: 2 weeks?

Ablaze: I like her and she likes me

Boom: Can't wait to meet her

Ablaze: She should be here soon. Oh there she is

Then Luna came to Ablaze

Luna: Hi Ablaze

Ablaze: Hi Luna. Guys this is my girlfriend Luna

Branch: Wow 2 of my friends are dating each other

Ablaze: Yeah we bumped into each other and started going out and then found out that we were in love 

Luna: Yeah

Trickee: Well I'm happy for you Ablaze

Hype: Yeah same here

Ablaze: Thanks guys

Branch: No prob

Boom: I don't understand why you didn't tell us you said that you 2 have been dating for 2 weeks

Ablaze: I didn't think you guys would understand but I really like Luna

Branch: Ablaze we're your friends you shouldn't feel like you have to hide anything from us

Hype: Yeah we understand that you like Luna

Ablaze: Thanks guys

Luna: I told you that they'd understand

Ablaze: Yeah you did and you were right I didn't have to hide this from them

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