Poppy Meets Lucky

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This goes with the Miraculous chapter I made

Poppy was walking into her pod

Then she sees a box on her bed

Poppy: Huh? What's this?

She picks up the box and opens it

Then a kwami that looks like a ladybug comes out and reveals itself to Poppy

Lucky: Hi

Poppy: *screams*😧

Lucky: I'm Lucky

Poppy puts it in a jar

Lucky: Okay if that makes you feel better

Poppy: What are you?

Lucky: I'm Lucky a kwami and I'm here to help you

Poppy: Huh?

Lucky: I can give you super powers

Poppy: Super powers?

Lucky: Yeah let me explain it to you

So Lucky explained everything to Poppy

Poppy put on the earrings

Poppy: So it's lucky charm and miraculous ladybug?

Lucky: Yes and the transformation words are Spots On!

Poppy: Spots On?

Then Lucky went into the earrings and transformed Poppy into a ladybug themed superhero

Poppy: What's happening?

Then she saw her reflection

Poppy: What am I wearing? Okay Lucky how do I change back?

Then she saw the yo-yo and decided to take it for a test run

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