Dance Battle

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This is inspired by the dance battle scene in Ferdinand 

Pearl was hanging out with Rose 

Rose: Maybe think of this whole problem with your overprotective brother as a dance with the ups and downs

Theo: Her dancing? Is this a joke designed to make me laugh?

Shelly: Yeah she doesn't have what it takes to be a dancer

Billie: Yeah with her short stubby legs

Pearl: 🙄

Rose: Hey go jump off a cliff

Pearl: Leave them alone Rose besides it's not like a clumsy troll like me could move like this

Then she busts a few moves

Rose: Yeah that's my friend

Shelly: You call that dancing? Nah! This is dancing

Then Shelly, Theo, and Billie start dancing

Summer: 3 against 1 is hardly fair. Rose bongo time

Then Rose got out the bongos and started to play them and Summer started to dance

Then Shelly, Theo, and Billie start dancing

Prism: Oh I hate those guys

Then Prism's hedgehog Ritmo played some music

Ritmo looks just like Dos in Ferdinand 

Ritmo looks just like Dos in Ferdinand 

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Prism: I'm going in

Then she joined in and started dancing

Ritmo: Yeah go Prism!

Then Shelly, Theo, and Billie continued to dance

Summer, Pearl, and Prism were dancing

Melodia: Yay go Pearl!

Melodia is Pearl's hedgehog and she looks like Una from Ferdinand

Melodia is Pearl's hedgehog and she looks like Una from Ferdinand

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Kismet saw them dancing

Then Summer, Pearl, and Prism continued their dance battle with Shelly, Theo, and Billie

Then Rose joined in the dance

Then Shelly, Theo, and Billie messed up and tripped

Prism: Yeah prance guys because you can't dance

Then Shelly, Theo, and Billie left

Hype: Pearl are you okay?

Pearl: Hype I'm fine I can take care of myself

Melodia: Yeah she can take care of herself plus she has me to help her

Ritmo: Yeah Melodia and I have been able to defend Prism and Pearl for years

Prism: Yeah they have

Then she picks up Ritmo

Prism: And I'm very grateful for that. Thank you Ritmo

Ritmo: Oh it's nothing Prism you adopted me when I needed help and was on the streets

Then Pearl picks up Melodia

Pearl: And Melodia and I have been close friends since I rescued her from the streets

Melodia: Yeah and I've been defending her from harm

Hype: I just want to make sure you're safe

Pearl: You always do this first with Ash and now this. I'm not a kid anymore!

Then she storms off

Hype: Pearl wait!

Ritmo: I'd leave her alone

Prism: Yeah let her cool down

Trickee: What did she mean by Ash?

Hype: She's dating Ash

Trickee, Branch, Boom, and Ablaze: What?!

Hype: Afraid so he's says that he's changed but I'm not sure

Holly: Hype give him a chance he might be telling the truth

Hype: It's hard he tried to kill you and was an accomplice to Shade when he brainwashed Prism

Prism: Did he really have a say? Because I heard him being hesitate about it before I was hypnotized

Holly: Hype maybe let Pearl be herself and let her do things on her own don't be so overprotective of her

Hype: You're right Holly. I'm gonna talk to my sister

Ritmo: Okay but make sure Melodia doesn't poke you with her quills you know how she is when Pearl is upset very protective

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