Clay Meets Twitch

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Clay walked into his pod

He saw a box on his bed

Clay: What is that?

Then he picked up the box and opened it

Then a kwami that looks like a bunny revealed himself to Clay

Clay: What are you?

Twitch: I'm Twitch and I'm your kwami

Clay: My what?

Twitch: Kwami. I give superpowers yours is the power of Time Travel

Clay: Time Travel? That's real?

Twitch: Yeah.  You have to say Twitch Clockwise and I can transform you into a superhero. And when you say Burrow you can activate your power of Time Travel and will only have 5 minutes until you transform back.

Clay: Um okay. Goes against everything I believe being a CPA

Twitch: Well sometimes yo have to believe in the impossible such as Time Travel

Clay: Okay

Twitch: Any way you're not the only one that was chosen your brothers and sisters were

Clay: They were?

Twitch: Yeah why don't we go and meet them

Clay: Sure

Then Clay took the pocket watch and Twitch hid in his bag so he wouldn't be seen

Then Clay went to meet with his brothers and sisters

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