Pearl's Birth

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Years ago Hype was 2 years old and his mom had laid another egg he was gonna be a big brother

Hype: I hope the egg hatches at some point

Ripple: Hype these things take time

Hype: I know but I just can't wait to meet my baby brother or sister

Ripple: The baby will hatch when he or she is ready

A few days later Hype was coming home from his friend Trickee's house

Ripple: Come on Hype I want to show you something

Hype: Okay what is it?

Then they went towards Ripple and Kiki's bedroom

Hype: What's going on?

Ripple: Come in and see for yourself

Then they went in and Hype saw baby girl that looked like him but with light blue hair on the bed with Kiki

Kiki: Hype say hello to your baby sister Pearl

Hype: Hi Pearl

Pearl: 😄

Kiki: Do you want to hold her?

Hype: Yeah

Then Kiki helped Hype get used to holding Pearl

Pearl: 😄

Hype: She's so cute

Ripple: I think you 2 are gonna be best friends

Kiki: Also you 2 are so close in age 2 years apart

Pearl: 😄

Hype: Cool I can't wait to play with her when she's older

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