The New Queen

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Kismet was hanging out

Then a bird came and gave a letter to Boom

Boom: Thanks

Branch: What is it?

Boom: Rose is becoming the queen of the Flower Kingdom

Hype: Is Queen Bloom okay?

Boom: She's fine she's just passing the crown to Rose

Ablaze: Well then let's go

Boom: Yeah

Then they make it to the Flower Kingdom

Princess Winter: Hey Boom great to see you again

Princess Cherry Blossom: Welcome back

Boom: Hey guys

Prince Chestnut: You're back

Boom: Hey Chestnut. Hi Clair

Princess Clair: Hi again

Baby: 😄

Boom: Aww 🥰

Prince Chestnut: Meet Princess Windy

Princess Windy: 😄

Queen Bloom: Hello Boom

Boom: Aunt Bloom. How've you been?

Queen Bloom: Good tomorrow Rose will become queen

Boom: Where is she?

Princess Rose: Hi mom

Queen Bloom: There you are Rose. Where have you been?

Princess Rose: Just wandering around

Boom: Congrats Rose

Princess Rose: Thanks

Then she left

Boom: She's usually more joyful on things like this

Queen Bloom: Maybe she's just nervous

Then Boom sees someone he knew as a kid

Boom: Fin!

Fin: Boom! It's great to see you again

Boom: What are you doing here?

Fin: What do you mean? Rose is my girlfriend so of course I'm here

Boom: Wow my friend is dating my cousin

Fin: Yeah

Later Boom noticed that Rose wasn't acting like herself

Boom: Rose are you okay? You seem off

Princess Rose: What do you mean I seem off?

Boom: I know you really well and you don't act like this

Princess Rose: I guess there's no fooling you

Boom: Huh?

Then she teleports Boom somewhere else

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