23 - ROHIT?

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Author's Pov:

                            They both heard some movements in the hallway. Within a few minutes, they saw Rohit, panting. By looking at it, it seems he had run to the room. He had sweat running down his face and uneven breath. He forwarded his steps towards Anjali, knelt in front of her, took her hands in his hands, and asked 

                  " Are you okay? what happened to you? why were you not answering my calls? Uncle and Aunty said they wouldn't be here, so I was worried and came to check on you, but you were not answering my calls."

                         Silence prevailed in their vicinity. Rohit kept looking at Anjali. Not getting any answers, he put forth another question.

                       " Did you have another nightmare?"

  Slowly Anjali nods in response to his question.

                    " You didn't have any nightmares for some time, right?" He asked her.

                " Hmm... no." She answered him. Confused, Abhimaan stood still in the room.

                    " Why suddenly? You are getting therapy right? Or did you think about the past?" Rohit questioned her. He was not only her manager or friend. He was also her brother from another mother.

               " I was looking through some old photos to create a portfolio, and I stumbled upon some really old pictures that reminded me of the past."

          Both Abhimaan and Rohit furrowed their eyebrows hearing her. Both of them furrowed their eyebrows for different reasons. Subtly looking at Abhimaan, Rohit asked 

                   " Does he know?"

                 " Not fully. because before I could say you barged in here."

Anjali said to Rohit.

                      " Hmm..."

                     " How do you feel now? Are you okay?" asked Rohit worriedly.

                      " Yes. Don't worry. Abhi came at the right time."

Turning to Abhimaan Rohit said

                       " Follow me. I need to have a word with you."

Glancing a last glance Abhimaan went out with Rohit.


    " I know you have heard some of her past. And when she tells you her whole past, I hope you won't judge her. Some things are meant to keep it hidden. So, I hope when you know that you won't publicize it to everybody," said Rohit to Abhimaan. This left Abhimaan confused. Was there more to her past? How much did she suffer?







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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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