Chapter 84

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During the start of summer, the Crown Prince Xiao Cheng was repeatedly censured by the censors, charged with ‘bringing dishonor to his ancestors’ achievements, of acting without proper authority and of collecting cronies’. Immediately after, an order came from the Emperor: Addressed to temple of our ancestors and to the all the people of the country, King Ning, fourth son of the emperor, modest and self-effacing, of virtuous character, taking after His Majesty himself, is granted the scroll, treasure and position of crown prince.

On the day of the proclamation of the new crown prince, Lin Qingyu and Gu Fuzhou went to the palace to attend the ceremony. The two stood for hours under the scorching sun. Lin Qingyu managed fine and at the end of the ceremony, was still as magnificent as snow. Gu Fuzhou, on the other hand, was half-dead from baking under the sun; his court attire already soaked through with sweat. This “frail” foreigner couldn’t stand the high temperature that had persistent the past few days. As soon as they returned to the mansion, quick as a bold of lightning, he took off his heavy court clothes and slumped on the cool bench in only his sleeping garments. For a good long while, he couldn’t even muster up a single word.

Huan Tong brought in a bucket of ice and Hua Lu served up red grapes that had been soaking in the well. Slowly, Gu Fuzhou managed to recover.

While Gu Fuzhou was dazed by the heat, Lin Qingyu had already changed his clothes. He was dressed in unadorned white, sitting at the table with jade fan in hand, explaining today’s dinner to Huan Tong. With the light of the summer sunset draping over his figure, he created a serene scene worthy of painting.

Seeing this, an unquenchable fire rose in Gu Fuzhou’s heeart. He really wanted to go over there and tease him. But after standing for six straight hours, even moving his fingers proved difficult. He felt like he would die if he leaves this bend.

“Have the kitchen cook a pot of barley porridge. Prepare some pickles to stir the appetite and then prepare a couple of stir-fried vegetable dishes.”

Huan Tong wrote down the instructions. He said, “Young Master, do you really not want any meat or fish? The General might be unhappy with the lack of meat.”

Lin Qingyu thought for a while and said, “Then add some braised pork leg. Once the meal is ready, send it directly to our room.”

“Alright. I’ll have the kitchen prepare these.”

The General’s Mansion housed no elders and with Gu Fuzhou, this man of ‘elegance and refinement’, by his side, Lin Qingyu found himself starting to slacken in matters of etiquette. When he had nothing to do, he would accompany Gu Fuzhou for a lie-in in bed. Gu Fuzhou was often too lazy to go to the front hall to eat, so he would have the food delivered to their room. During rare times of leisure, when he wasn’t reading books, dispensing medicines, or raising Gu, he would spend time wiling away the hours with Gu Fuzhou.

If thing went on like this, Gu Fuzhou was definitely going to corrupt him into becoming a bag of lazybones as well.

Lin Qingyu turned around. He caught sight of Gu Fuzhou lying motionless on the cool bench. He frowned a little: “How long do you plan on lying there? Aren’t you going to changed your clothes?”

Gu Fuzhou stretched out his hand and pointed at the table. He said with a lazy tone: “Qingyu, I want to eat grapes.”

The red grapes were placed not far from Gu Fuzhou’s hand. He needed only to straighten up to reach them. With a ‘you are hopeless’ expression, Lin Qingyu approached and plucked a red grape. “Don’t eat too much. We’ll be having the evening meal soon.”

Gu Fuzhou blinked. “Feed it to my mouth…”

Lin Qingyu narrowed his eyes. He quickly and accurately shoved the red grape into Gu Fuzhou’s mouth. “You’re going to die from laziness.”

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