Chapter 59

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Since Lin Qingyu was promoted to the fifth-rank imperial physician, he and Chu Zhengde would go to the Emperor every day to diagnose his pulse. Though he was able to go in and out of the Emperor’s sleeping chambers, so long as he got even a little bit close to the Eastern Palace, the guards on duty would be on high alert. But as long as he and Shen Huaishi were within the palace compound, there would be chances for them to meet.

Chu Zhengde was getting old and it is inevitable that his body would not be able to keep up with everything that he wanted to do. For the past few days, he had been suffering from a cold and had taken leave to recuperate at home. Lin Qingyu was the only imperial physician serving the emperor for the time being.

That night, the Emperor’s headache returned. Lin Qingyu happened to be on duty and was invited to the Emperor’s palace.

Tonight, the one serving the emperor in bed was the same young man Lin Qingyu had seen last time. Though said to be ‘serving in bed’, with the emperor’s sick body, he couldn’t actually do anything and he simply let the young man warm his bed and pour him tea.

Lin Qingyu applied acupuncture for the emperor and the emperor’s headache eased. When he opened his eyes, he saw Lin Qingyu and his male pet standing beside the dragon bed, side by side. The male pet blushed and whispered, “Your Majesty”. Lin Qingyu, however, as calm and composed as ever said, “Autumn is fast approaching. With its coming, the yang energy will gradually shrink and the yin energy will gradually grow. The Emperor’s prescription must also be changed to match the way of yin and yang. This official will return to the Imperial Hospital to prepare a new prescription for Your Majesty.”

The emperor looked at him. Himself not knowing what muscle he’d pulled wrong, he said, “I have pen and paper here. Wou can write it here and show me when you are done.”

Lin Qingyu paused and said, “Yes.”

The emperor sat up with the help of his male pet. He looked at the beauty in official uniform writing under the lamp; long eyelashes thick like butterfly wings. Even though his temperament was cold, it was difficult to overlook the flirtatious look seen between his brows and the corners of his eyes. In particular, the tear-shaped mole under his eyes made the emperor’s heart itch.

But itch was all it did. He was old and had been sick for so long. He had not added a new person to his harem for a long time. When he gets better, maybe he can invite more beauties. It was a pity that he didn’t have enough energy now. So after Lin Qingyu finished drawing up the recipe, he allowed him to withdraw.

Lin Qingyu followed Xue Ying out of the sleeping chamblers. Looking back at the bright yellow dragon curtains, his eyes grew dark and cold.

It seemed that even without the emperor forcing a marriage upon Gu Fuzhou, sooner or later, there would have also been reason for Lin Qingyu to set his hands upon His Majesty.

Xiao Cheng heard that the emperor was ill and to show his filial piety, he came late at night and happened to run into Lin Qingyu who had been exiting the sleeping chambers. Lin Qingyu glanced at him, and his eyes fell on Shen Huaishi behind him.

Shen Huaishi also looked back at him and then Xiao Cheng said coldly, “Have you looked enough?”

Shen Huaishi quickly retracted his gaze. “This subordinates dares not.”

Xiao Cheng smiled. “Why wouldn’t you dare? Xiao Qingyu was born with a face that drives men crazy. You should look more if given the chance. You might not have the chance to see it again in the future.” Saying so, he gave a ‘hmph’ and follow Xue Ying into the sleeping chamber.

Another eunuch came with a lantern. “Imperial Physician Lin, I will take you back to the Imperial Hospital.”

Shen Huaishi could only stand watch outside. When Lin Qingyu brushed past him, he whispered, “Find time to come to my house to find me.”

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