Chapter 31

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Lin Qingyu couldn’t react for a while. Lu Wancheng is eighteen today?

According to Lu Wancheng’s Eight Characters, he was already long past eighteen. He was actually approaching the age of weak crown. This eighteen-year-old wasn’t Lu Wancheng. It could only be – Him.

It was only a birthday and it wasn’t multiple-of-ten birthday. If this was his own birthday, Lin Qingyu wouldn’t have cared about it, much less waited specially and woken up someone in the middle of the night for it. If this was before, he would have driven him back to the bottom bunk, turned around and continued to sleep. But Lu Wancheng’s eyes were so clear and bright, as though he’d been looking forward to it for a long time, just to share this little secret with him at this moment.

Lin Qingyu sat up. He swept his long messy hair past his shoulders and walked down the steps to get out of bed. He could hardly make out anything in the dark and his clothes brushed against the ground. Going down the stairs, it was all too easy to carelessly make a misstep. Lin Qingyu really couldn’t understand how he had been convinced into accepting this bunk bed that was so far out of this world.

“Be careful.”

A hand stretched out, thin and fragile like broken cold jade. Lin Qingyu also stretched out his hand, but he didn’t dare to borrow any strength from it. He placed his hand ever so lightly on Lu Wancheng’s palm.

Lu Wancheng’s cold extremities were an old problem. Lin Qingyu didn’t possess any sort of yang-heavy physique, but his hands were still much warmer than his. Lu Wancheng felt the warmth and softness in his palm, and before he had time to react, Lin Qingyu had already landed safely and released his hand.

Was this considered hand-holding? Held, but not completely held?

Lu Wancheng let out a couple of muffled coughs. Feeling exhausted, he had to sit back on the bed. He said with a smile, “I wasn’t planning on waking you up either. But eighteen is very important to me, I… I wanted to share this moment with you.”

Lin Qingyu used a firestick to light the candle. He asked, “What’s so important about being eighteen?”

“In my hometown, there are a lot of things boys can do once they turn eighteen, and the same goes for girls.”

“For example?”

“For example, you can play until late at night, you can stay outside by yourself, and you can…” Lu Wancheng stopped, his eyes lingering on Lin Qingyu’s lips. As if he was a little embarrassed, “I’ve been looking forward to this day since I was a child. After I got here, I’ve been counting the days in my heart.”

Regarding Lu Wancheng’s true identity, the two have always had a tacit understanding. If Lu Wancheng didn’t bring it up, Lin Qingyu never took the initiative to ask. However, he was still able to piece together the image of this other person from Lu Wancheng’s occasional words.

He didn’t know how the boy turned into Lu Wancheng. He didn’t want to believe in the supernatural, but he believed in his own gut feelings.

The boy was probably a smart and lazy teenager, in good health but always lacking sleep. He certainly wouldn’t have been someone who worked hard in the school: while the teacher lectured on top of the podium, he slept soundly off it. Yet, despite this, he could still win the top spot for all their assessments. He must have very good looks and has unwittingly captured the hearts of many of his classmates. The snacks he received from his admirers, he shared with his friends. It was a pity that he was too lazy to even respond to other people’s good impression, so much so that he has never even held a girl’s hand.

Ccv abvjs kjr atf ybs’r flutaffcat ylgatvjs.

“Pc atlr kjs, lc sbeg tbwfabkc, atf flutaffcat ylgatvjs lr wbgf lwqbgajca atjc beg akfcalfat ylgatvjs.”

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