Chapter 51

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Ever since Lin Qingyu had settled into his residence, he has never invited anyone in there, not even his family. Although Gu Fuzhou had been kind to the Lin Family, there were too many things about him that were suspicious. He was also under the constant watch of that pair of Tainji Camp guards. No matter what he said or did, Xiao Cheng would know. Taking him to his residence at this time was definitely an unwise move. 

Lin Qingyu weighed the matter over and over. He said, “I am a widow. It has been less than half a year since my husband died of illness. If I were to rashly take the general to my residence, where I live alone, it will definitely attract criticism.”

Gu Fuzhou rethought his suggestion and did not force the matter. “If that’s the case, then let’s go to the Nan’an Hou’s Mansion.”

Lin Qingyu thought that Gu Fuzhou came on horseback, surprisingly, like himself, the general had come in a carriage. The two arrived at the Nan’an Hou’s Mansion. After the servants informed the master of their arrival, although the Nan’an Marquis did not come out of the mansion to greet them, like he had done for the crown prince, he still welcomed them in front of the main hall.

It had been several months since they had last seen each other. The Nan’an Hou’s complexion had indeed improved a lot. The contributions of the child in Pan Shi’s belly truly cannot go unnoticed. Gu Fuzhou was a first-rank general and he, a first-rank noble. Upon meeting, they gave each other courtesy befitting an equal. 

Lin Qingyu stood quietly by the side, watching the two exchange superfluous nonsense. In front of the Nan’an Hou, Gu Fuzhou’s expression was stern; his words, were concise and to the point; every movement was that of a capable warrior. He now resembled the famed reserved and grim god of war of the past. Gu Fuzhou had obviously been joking and teasing just now, saying things like how a beauty should practice Gu. Not long ago, he had even been displaying his strength, chopping bricks bare-handed.

This kind of skillful ease reminded him of a certain someone once again.

Xixia, the secret code, Gu Fuzhou’s strange words and deeds and his excessive show of goodwill. Was it a coincidence, him just being too suspicious or… something else.

When the Nan’an Hou learned that Gu Fuzhou had come to pay homage to Lu Wancheng, he didn’t feel very gratified. Instead, he looked worriedly at the two guards behind him. “The general is very considerate. Steward, lead the general to the ancestral hall. I must attend to court so I won’t accompanying you.”

Gu Fuzhou nodded lightly, “Master Hou, please don’t let us keep you.”

From beginning to end, Nan’an Hou regarded Lin Qingyu like empty space. Evidently, he was still brooding about the misfortune he had brought upon their house as a male wife.  He had no wish to interact with him at all.

Their group headed to the Lu Family’s ancestral hall. Gu Fuzhou looked “Lu Wancheng’s Memorial Tablet” at the lowest level. The corners of his lips moved slightly, as though he wanted to laugh but felt that he shouldn’t. In the end, he simply sighed and said nothing.

A servant lit six sticks of incense and handed them over. Lin Qingyu and Gu Fuzhou each held three sticks. Standing side by side in front of Lu Wancheng’s memorial tablet, they bowed three times in unison. Gu Fuzhou inserted his incense sticks into the incense burner first. He then turned sideways to make way for Lin Qingyu. Lin Qingyu stepped forward and said softly, “There are guards followings the general wherever he goes. Is it not annoying having one’s words and deeds all under the eyes of others?” 

Gu Fuzhou seemed completely helpless. “It cannot be helped. The crown prince feels I have ulterior motives behind my urgent return to the capital. Perhaps he feels I’m here to make contact with someone and together, we’ll set something big. It’s fine, let them follow. At least it can dispel the crown prince’s doubts and restore my innocence.”

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