Short story: Of Slime and Blood -- 5

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"So how are we gonna do this?" I asked Luminous.

We had just left Agrippina's 'laboratory' and were now in the suite Leizniz had arranged for us.

"You sound oddly excited." She replied as she looked at the quill, paper and ink laid out on the desk in front of us.

We were in a part of the suite I assumed to be a study/library. Quite extravagant for something that wasn't even a permanent residence.

"Well yeah. You might not believe it but I enjoy academics." I replied with my hand on my chest.

"You're not fooling anyone, Rimuru." She said with a chuckle as a real pen appeared in her hand. She then proceeded to burn the apparently expensive quill to oblivion.

"Wasn't really trying anyway. So, how do you plan to get this place up and running?" I said, gesturing around me to show I was talking about the College.

"Isn't it obvious?" She grabbed a couple of blank sheets of paper, waving them around.


"We write....peak." Her eyes twinkled as she resorted to using slang, her joke actually landing for the first time.

"Ohhh." I clapped. Luminous looked majorly satisfied with herself, she moved to one of the two chairs surrounding the desk and sat.

"You intend to shake this place, no?" She asked as she put the pen to paper and began to scribble.

I grabbed some papers of my own but decided to use the quill instead, regardless of how primitive it was.

"Well, yeah. But don't give away anything too important." I don't want the whole country to be after us.

"I'm afraid I lack the means to judge that." She said nonchalantly, somehow already halfway through the A4 sized paper.

Hm, good point. To Luminous, what would be seen as important?

The secrets of Holy magic?

No, that won't make much sense. Even the gods of this world can't use Spiritrons. No point in writing about something they can't even verify. So, what's important to her?

"Well, I'll be sure not to mention anything about a certain slime." Sure, I guess?

That was random.... anyway!

I sat and began my own essay.

Oh, I can't wait.



"Yup, that's my name. It's funny how a dragon gave it to me, isn't it?"

"Huh..? I won't be distracted!"

"Tis but some trivia."

Agrippina was on the verge of tearing her beautiful silver hair out as she glared at the smiling entity sitting adjacent to her.

Compromise after compromise, and she had finally achieved some peace, however diluted it was in comparison to what she had before. Before Rimuru and Luminous abruptly popped into her life.

And now, it was gone. Reduced to atoms.

"Why..? I believed we had come to an agreement."

She looked away from her tormentor, one of them at least. The other wasn't friendly enough to be on the receiving end of a query. And she wasn't even present for their little chat.

The document in her hand grasped her attention once again.

It was the one thing she never wanted to see be addressed to her in her lifetime.

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