What if? Shion and the citizens didn't get resurrected? Part 5.

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A/N: It's been called to attention that guy's attitude has been OOC and I intend to leave it that way, this is for those who have similar thoughts.

Accomplishing a goal is a process.
For one to reach optimal results there must be a detailed manner of executing plans.

Plans have to have detailed parameters also. This has been my belief so far, I followed it to the letter.

But alas, nothing goes as planned in this accursed world. Though this time was actually in my favor.

My original plan was wrecked by the appearance of an anomalous entity, namely the slime that somehow had sentience and became a demon Lord.

I first took notice if this entity when one Rudra's convoluted plans, the orc Lord, was vanquished.

This was a minor part of his plan, but its defeat by an unknown Majin piqued my interest. I have been observing it since then, calculating how it can be used to disorganise the side of Guy Crimson. Finally the opportunity showed up.

The slime had lost its subordinates and people, it went on a rampage and became a demon Lord in hopes of reviving them.

I took the souls meant to be used in the completion of its goals, hoping to achieve a certain outcome.

As I said, I have been observing this slime. From my observations of this monster I have come to the conclusion that it has too deep a care for its subordinates, and also surmised that the slime was ignorant of the power dynamics of this world, seeing as he gave out names like water.

The game between Guy Crimson and Rudra is basically a battle of pawns. Guy Crimson has his demon lords and western nations, Rudra has his empire and various vassal states. My primary goal was to send this newborn demon Lord on a rampage, I am aiming for this outcome as a result of my meticulous analysis of its personality.

Guy Crimson, that insolent demon that calls himself a mediator will have no choice but to interfere. Though, enough damage would be done by then.

This plan does not mean much to me, it is just a way to destabilize Guy for a while. He loses some of his puppet humans and at the same time exterminate a potential headache.

Though in the long run I don't think any of them will be a problem. After all, before a being created personally by God, who could remain standing?
I looked upon the recruits training below.
Four days ago, I avenged my teacher's death at the hand of that monster.

His country has been destroyed too, without a doubt, though it came at the cost of that country's army and a few lubelius holy knights. These recruits were training to fill in those gaps in our forces.

We were in a training ground located about a hundred kilometres away from lune. I was here temporarily to supervise the procedures.

The ten great saints were also here. They decided to come along for reasons that I do not care to know.

I thought back to that slime, he kept going on about being Japanese, like I would believe something like that. I called out a few corrections to the recruits and received shouts of acknowledgement from them.

"Hinata-sama, is your presence really needed for something like this?" Renard asked me.

"I do not care either way, why ask that? If you are bored by the mundane nature of this activity you are free to return to lune with the others."

"That was not my intention, I simply wondered why you would bother yourself with this."

I said nothing, my mind was in turmoil. I had a bad feeling. A sense of foreboding, it was a feeling I couldn't explain.

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