Short story: The bane of history 13.

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Matildum, Ingracia.

The ostentatiously built castle bustled with activity, its meticulously erected defenses manned by various guards clad in slightly magic resistant armor. A building that once gave off an aura of pomp and royal opulence now instilled an innate sense of desperation into those within it.

Yela, the blonde saddled with dealing with the current situation in the face of the gaping power vacuum Rimuru left behind, strolled through the halls. She exuded a menacing aura that made the bustling soldiers and servers instinctively make way for her.

Almost unnoticeable was the hunched man trailing behind her. He looked up at his superior and spoke.

"Lady Yela, what measures do you recommend? We can't leave the Justiciars roaming around the capital like this." He seemed to be making an active effort to convey his respect, not wanting to be on the bad side of the obviously pressured woman.

Yela Londar was not known for being volatile, her reputation as a calm and collected leader preceded her, but Milo was not taking any chances.

He was well aware how subordinates in Ingracia were prone to abuse, he did the same after all.

"Leave them. While the Justiciars are acting more aggressively now, I believe they haven't changed at their core. Going out to attack them might just be suicide in the long run."

The noisy surroundings did nothing to impede the conversation, it flowed just as seamlessly as it would in a quiet room.

Milo felt no need to argue further, Yela was no fraud, she was someone who had proven herself since the first war against Tempest. If that was her take on the matter, it meant she was seeing something he could not.

"The nobility in this country is as infuriating as ever, I expected this sort of behavior from them but I didn't think it would happen this soon."

Yela was in a hard spot. Normally, even with the King dead she wouldn't be this swamped by pressing matters. The work would have been delegated to various nobles with sufficient authority. The nobles would then be grouped into different cells of specialization to facilitate a check and balance.

None of that had happened.

Perhaps it was because the states of the former Eastern Empire were uncooperative, or because The Ruler of Knowledge had sided with Tempest, but the fact that the nobles had shown signs of desertion remained.

And in true Ingracia fashion, Yela had no power to keep them in check.

She resented this country, she would happily contribute to its destruction if she could. But the cold truth was that she couldn't.

The Londar family, a family of exceptionally talented individuals originally hailing from Siltrozzo. The aftermath of the Tenma war left the economy of the Kingdom in shambles, the Rozzo's grip on the world's development had been shattered thoroughly.

Ingracia had extended a helping hand, a simple magic contract was formed between the two parties with deceptive conditions.

Alas, it was their descendants that had to pay the price. Yela was now fated to clean up Ingracia's messes.

"'Be one with the king and his vassals'. How stupid."

Milo assumed the state of a wallflower, invisible and without opinions. It was what was expected of a subordinate after all.

"Send word to those two, it's high time we cut Tempest's wings." Yela spoke as she arrived at a huge door, adorned with incomprehensible magic formations that despite Milo not being able to comprehend them, gave off a feeling of impenetrability.

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