What if? Shion and the citizens didn't get resurrected. Part 3.

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Now, Veldora is back. I now have a true dragon on my side.
[[Notice, new skills have been acquired.]]
I got this type of announcement from Raphael.
'New skills? Tell me what they are.'
[[Confirmed, with the information from the analysis of [Infinite Prison] and a selection of a few of your subordinates skills through [Food chain] and all of master's remaining common and extra skills, the Ultimate skill [Covenant King, Uriel] has been gained. Also after analyzing the remains of Veldora's body in the [Stomach] the Ultimate skill [Lord of Storms, Veldora] has been successfully acquired.]]
'Hm, so two more ultimate skills.'
'Raphael, give me all the information about these skills.'

"Veldora, it's good to see you again, though the situation I'm currently in is less than favorable."
"It's okay, Rimuru. I've been watching from inside your stomach and I'm aware of everything that happened."
Hmm, so he knows huh. No wonder he's so well-behaved. Now I can move on with my plans, before that I still have one last thing to ask veldora.
"So Veldora, do you have an ultimate skill?"
"Of course I do, who do you think I am? I have acquired the ultimate skill [Investigation King, Faust] this skill shall lead me on my pursuit of the truth of the world!"
Now he's back, what did I expect? Though he might be trying to lighten the mood. I appreciate his efforts.
"Veldora, I need you to hold in your aura. I don't want any unfortunate accidents to happen."
"Okay, Rimuru!"
He shouted then began to do something he probably saw in a manga. This guy is an otaku through and through huh.
We left the cave together and made our way towards the city. I decided to walk back just to clear my head.
On the way back we stopped on a hill that overlooked the city. A city was filled with nightlife and laughter now dark, consumed by a foreboding atmosphere. The moon shone brightly down on the quiet area, various sounds of nocturnal creatures permeated the atmosphere.

"I have something to ask you."
"Ask away." I said with a level tone.
"I have made up my mind to help you with your goals, the question is if you yourself are ready for what you're planning. What is your endgame with this?"
Veldora really asked a question that hit home.
Nevertheless I already had an answer.
"Yes, absolutely nothing."
"Veldora, my motives can't even be called a plan, it's genocide no matter how I slice it. I have nothing to gain from this, nothing to feel at the moment of its completion. This endeavor of mine is just a product of my selfishness. There is no endgame whatsoever."
"Is that so?"
"Yes, absolutely."
"Very well then, then I the storm dragon Veldora Tempest swear on my name that I will assist you in your actions, no matter how selfish or meaningless. If not, what are brothers for?"
As I heard this declaration from Veldora I felt better, I am very lucky to be surrounded by people that feel this way for me. My subordinates and Veldora.
"Thank you, Veldora."
"Leave it to me, Rimuru!"
We eventually left the hill and made it to the city proper, I introduced Veldora to my subordinates and their morale actually increased further due to having a true dragon on our side.
"Everyone listen up."
I raised my voice to get their undivided attention.
"It's time for me to tell you how we will handle the current issue, first is to wipe the remainder of Falmuth off the map. I will entrust that to benimaru and his squad. Also, souei?"
"Yes, Rimuru-sama."
"Intercept the forces of Blumund heading towards here, tell them that we have the situation under control and that they should return back to their country."
"As you wish, Rimuru-sama."
He bowed then left the room through shadow motion.
"Also, get me Elen."
Elen was called into the room, she looked anxious. The demon I summoned told me that she wasn't present when I woke from my evolutionary sleep, meaning she does not know what I have planned. So why was she anxious? After thinking for a while I came to a conclusion that it must be because the plan she suggested to me failed.
It wasn't her fault though.
"Elen, you can relax. I know you had the best intentions. I called you here to ask if you've told anyone about my demon Lord evolution."
"No, Rimuru-san, I haven't told anyone. I don't think it's in my rights to spread information about you."
"Okay, you may leave then. Sorry about this but I need you to return to Blumund with your party."
"I understand Rimuru-san, we'll leave tomorrow morning."
"Okay, well bye for now."
She shuffled out of the room and I looked at my present subordinates. Then benimaru spoke up.
"Rimuru-sama, if I am in charge of Falmuth what are you going to be doing, if I may ask?"
"Oh me, well I have a certain holy Knight to visit." I said with a cold voice that seemed to send chills through the room.
During the meeting we discussed how we're basically gonna commit genocide, I also told my subordinates to stay prepared, because when I'm done with Hinata, I'll end clayman and I need my subordinates to destroy his army for me. With all the fine details worked out I sent my subordinates to prepare, leaving the demon I summoned in the room.

"So, you. You said you wanted to serve me right?"
"Of course, my master. It is my sole purpose."
"Why though?" This was a demon I was talking to, I couldn't afford to be careless.
"Why, because I believe that if I serve a great being like you, I shall come upon the ultimate truth of the world!" He said in a very high voice that honestly creeped me out. But somehow, I could tell that he was serious.

"Very well then. Since you are to serve me you shall need more power, I'll give you a name, what do you say?"
"Ahh! A lowly demon like me does not deserve such favor. I shall be okay with anything my master wishes!"
'Crazy much?'
"Okay, I grant you the name, Diablo."

Magicules flowed out of me into the newly named demon. It was about a tenth of my entire capacity which is a lot. A cocoon wrapped around him and glowed brightly before he burst forth from it now wearing Butler clothes.
"Ah! What bliss! To be bestowed a name by such a great being. I, Diablo, shall live up to the name I have received, Rimuru-sama!"
"Yeah, you do you I guess…."
With this my personal preparations were complete. Now it remains to be executed.
A/N: Well that's all I got for part 3.
I'm not really confident in the stability of this what if. There's probably plot holes lurking somewhere in it, I'd like for any of those to be pointed out if possible. The next part will have a monologue from our soul thief. You can make guesses about who it is in the comments. Bye for now.

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