What if? Shion and the citizens didn't get resurrected. Part 6.

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I clicked my tongue as I clashed swords with the dwarven King, I had hoped to decapitate him swiftly and without resistance.

I guess I underestimated him huh. Normally, I wouldn't do something as disgraceful as a surprise attack on a worthy adversary. But I don't have the leeway to care about honor under the present circumstances.

I pushed my sword against his, hoping to overwhelm him in sheer strength. But as expected, the one hailed as the Hero King was skilled. He leapt and took a distance of about ten metres. He then began to bellow orders at his army.

"Men! Do not falter! Fight with all your might, I shall handle the kijin!"

The troops he brought along were unarguably elite, but they would not be enough. The abrupt death of their commander has reduced their morale, they were slow to act.

This wasn't a problem for us, I used my unique skill [Born Leader] to give orders to our troops to attack. Born leader is a skill I received as a gift from Rimuru-sama's harvest festival. It is the best skill for a person like me, a skill for the use of directing the masses.

I used 'Predictive Calculation' to discern our chances of victory, seeing the results, I smiled.

I gave out plans of attack using thought communication, I also boosted the abilities of the rank and file soldiers.

I faced off against the Hero King.

"I shall be your opponent." I declared

"Hmmm." And that was the only acknowledgement I received.

I lunged at him with a slash towards his right, engulfing my sword in black flames. He parried my sword and went in for a strike that would split me in half vertically if not blocked.

There was a flash as our swords met again, courtesy of the sparks flying off the metal.

I had blocked his potentially deadly strike with ease.

We split again, our previous exchange only a test. Around us the battle raged, the prevailing side was evident.

This was a natural outcome, elite as they may be they could not compete with the old man, geld and gabiru at the same time. They were being decimated.

I focused my attention on my opponent, he had a look of indifference on his face. Despite this I could tell, the fact that he was worried was obvious to me.

"Let's continue, shall we?"

I leaped in again, thrusting at his chest, he sidestepped the blade. He brought up his word about to cleave my neck from my body but I anticipated this and used my momentum to spin out of the way. I went in for another strike, this time aiming for his own neck, he blocked my strike pushing me backwards.

The weight difference between us was evident, I spinned in the air charging up a blast of black flames and firing it at him before landing and rushing towards him again. I didn't expect him to be done in by the flames, it was but a distraction, a smokescreen to cover up my slash at his legs.

He utilized a barrier and blocked the flames which exploded upon contact, obscuring his vision. Before he could regain his bearings I was upon him, about to deal a decisive blow to the gap of armour at the back of his knees.


The sound of metal scraping against each other was heard.


For the second time since meeting these people, I clicked my tongue.

Probably by instinct, he had managed to narrowly avoid losing one of his legs.

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