Oneshot: Rimuru's Epiphany.

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Author's Notes: Hello, again.
It's been a little while and I'm back.
After the craziness of my previous chapters I decided to write something light hearted and fun(?)
This chapter is my attempt at writing tomfoolery and comedy. A lot of ooc behaviour, just a heads up.
Please tell me how it was. Haven't written anything remotely funny before after all.
Three dots after a section is a brief perspective change. More than that is most likely a time skip, who knows?

"Hmm, it's all coming together now….."

Yes it was, I can't believe it took me this long to figure it out.

There were so many signs, everything lines up now. What am I going to do about this disaster?

"I'm definitely gaining weight, right?"


"Hear me out, just a sec. Ciel."

I was serious here you know?

I was really gaining weight.

And for some reason, this bothered me.

It's been 10 years since the tenma war ended.

And I was having an existential crisis.

[[Master, this is the THIRD time this week. You have had three existential crises this week already. The first time master thought his feet were increasing in size, the second you thought you had bad breath. And now master thinks he's gaining weight. I refuse to hear you out.]]

"But see, my feet really did increase….and I don't brush my teeth…"

[[Master, I exist for you alone. But I am not going to dive into another 100 year thought accelerated lecture on why those things aren't possible.]]

"Ciel, you're bullying me…"


Well, if Ciel won't listen to me, I'll find someone who will.

My decision made, I got up from my desk. I will head out to ask the people of wisdom. Not like I have a quasi omniscient manas sharing a soul with me.

And no, I won't be bothered by anyone about paperwork. I'm not a spineless wimp after all.

So, I used my godly teleportation skills to warp to the abode of the greatest wisdom I could access now.

A being of unparalleled knowledge, one who inspired fear and respect. Someone I could trust.

"Yo, milim."

"Rimuru! You finally decided to visit me huh, fufufu."

Ah yes, truly wise.


"Yup, I need your help with something."

She raised an eyebrow in curiosity, then she smiled wider.

"Of course! You can ask me anything, I am the best you could ask after all!"




Master has been outrageous recently.

I love him, but for the first time, he has managed to make me disappointed in him.

Of course there was a reason for this, master was doing this intentionally.

At least I thought so, he couldn't be that dumb. Right?

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