Short story: Of Slime and Blood -- 2

294 18 116

Forgot to include this.
Magi is now Magia (forgot the correct term for a bit...)

Methuselah were beings that stood at the top of all humanfolk. Bodies impervious to disease, a natural affinity for conducting mana — so much so that they had no need for the catalysts popular among the less fortunate —- and minds built to brute force even the most complex of problems, this race should logically be at the top of the pecking order in whatever walk of life they decided to tread upon.

But alas, the members of the race themselves had no interests in matters like that.

With a ridiculously low fertility rate and an even lower inclination towards carnal pleasures, their population was undoubtedly the least among the humanfolk.

And their intrinsic tendency to apply themselves to disciplines and activities that in most polite terms could be referred to as eccentric, and in more blunt terms, wasteful, prevented them from being the world dominating race that they had the potential to be.

Agrippina du Stahl was no different.

She had been a researcher at the Imperial College of magic for more than two decades and had not made any significant attempt to advance to professor status.

This woman, gifted with talent that was an anomaly even among the Methuselah, would rather hole up in a library for a century than engage in actual work.

But sometimes, stepping out of her comfort zone was necessary.

Agrippina was well aware that she was not the strongest. Although the number of those she personally knew that could put her in the ground could be counted on one hand, they well and truly existed.

For this reason, she never stopped polishing her skills and gathering power. She despised work but she loved her well being more, so Agrippina constantly had complex mystic barriers surrounding her and her laboratory (which was more of a greenhouse) and her personal belongings, since they could be used against her in a myriad of ways.

Her preparations and caution instilled a confidence in her, only the gods themselves would be able to catch her off guard.

But now, that confidence wavered.

For the first time, Agrippina du Stahl felt unsure.

Spheres of violent arcane energy, imbued with the very concept of annihilation surrounded her, it was the most powerful spell she could muster without relying on extra-dimensional assistance.

She dedicated a separate train of thought to analyze the beautiful white haired woman looking at her with disinterest, her attempts at estimating the danger level of the two intruders had failed spectacularly.

This on its own was enough confirmation that she was not in a good position.

Reservations about damaging the College's underground structure and potentially causing a disaster had completely fled her mind, she believed the crown would excuse another incident of such proportions as long as significant justification was provided.

The Rhinian central government was used to dealing with the College's….mistakes..

“No introductions? How rude for a noble…” The one with silver blue hair said nonchalantly as they extended their right hand towards the hovering Methuselah.

For the first time, Agrippina dedicated every bit of processing power she could towards battle.

At speeds massively surpassing sound, the spheres shot towards their intended victim from all directions.

Agrippina didn't expect this to be the endgame, as she was already weaving another spell into existence.

Meeting, and surpassing her expectations, the blue haired individual waved his outstretched palm in a circular motion, dismissing her attack with no apparent strain.

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