Short story: The bane of history 3

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A term used to describe how easy a task can be accomplished or how insufficiently complex an object is.

"It's a very simple job, all you have to do is maintain the persona and feed us information."

My supervisor's voice echoed in my head as I began to ponder if simple had taken on a new meaning.

"Yes simple."

I asked in doubt back then.

Now tell me, Mr. Supervisor.

What the hell is simple about this situation!?

Immediately the self proclaimed hero propelled himself at me, already swinging his sword with maximum strength, his intention of decapitating me totally obvious.

Now at a certain level of strength, using skills for some things become totally unnecessary. Of course, being who I am this applied to me as well.

I can simply will something and life forms of a lower level could do nothing but comply.

Though doing that now would be boring so I guess fight it is.

Following the fastest path to my neck, the legendary class blade infused with some rather potent magicules arched in a beautiful display of skill, the sword careened forth it's presence distorting the space around it slightly.

I see…

I began to think as I simply walked around the blade's trajectory, the boy being none the wiser. It was like the room had frozen, the Haier dude had a strange expression on his face that seemed to be cursing some far away person.

Guy followed me with his eyes as he looked unimpressed by my actions of flexing on some kid who wasn't even a true hero.

Yeah, kid isn't a hero. Just a rather strong enlightened who got a boost from his sword.

His skill was the real deal though.

The moment the swing was completed and the hero didn't feel any feedback from the separation of flesh, he immediately took a huge jump backwards. His eyes were were moving at a rapid pace, taking in all the details in the room.

It didn't take long to spot me, standing right behind his former location. His eyes shrunk in fear as he realised the fact that he hadn't been able to detect me when I moved.

"You…who are you?!"

"Done already? That was disappointing.." Once again Guy made his talents at provocation clear.

The hero's focus turned towards him, his instincts seemed to recognise Guy as the bigger threat.

Well makes sense, I don't intend to kill the guy, can't say the same for the demon though.

And contrary to my former self, I wouldn't stop him.

These changes in me was something I was aware of, it had been a gradual process that I couldn't be bothered to fight against. I have no problems with who I am now.

Reason being, I still had a line.

I had clear boundaries that I wouldn't cross, it was what made me fine with my gradual loss of basic human empathy.

The kid trembled at each step Guy took then suddenly he gasped. Guy, who had been a minimum of 30 meters away from the boy was suddenly standing right in front of him.

His movement were totally undetected, a normal occurrence since he hadn't moved at all. He had simply dragged the world closer to him.

The way this thing worked exactly was beyond me, but he willed it so it happened.

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