What if? Shion and the citizens didn't get resurrected. Part 4.

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A/N: This is my longest chapter yet, not really long, but relative to the others a tad longer. The name of soul thief -sama will be revealed next chapter, though from the monologue most of you will know who it is.
??? POV
Every living being, material or not, has a reason or multiple for living. These reasons vary among the countless beings that exist, some are grand, some are mundane, while some only live because their lives have not ended yet.

I live for a noble cause, the noblest of them all. I had a master, a being of divine nature, someone who stood atop the world. My master was my reason for living, for him I would do anything.

But alas, even a being as great as my master succumbed to death, by the hands of inferior creatures nonetheless. I was enraged, who were they to cross something beyond their comprehension? Why are meaningless existences allowed to affect things greater than them?

So, my master died. But I have not lost my will to live, no. His death instead spurred me on, for my master's revival I shall burn the world. No matter what it takes, my goals will be completed.

I had these thoughts as I looked at the mass of souls that I plundered from within the mediocre barriers set up around that fallen city. I had no remorse for my actions whatsoever.

"Well, I won't be needing this anymore."
I said as I let the souls disperse into magicules.

"Now, my plan has been set into motion. Another step towards the completion of my noble goal, yes, I shall prevail."

I said with conviction in my voice, already prepared to witness the conclusion of this play I set up.
Four days have passed since my harvest festival. My subordinates had set out with their instructions, Ranga and Diablo remained with me.

I was currently hovering above Lune, the capital city of the holy kingdom, lubelius.

The city had a barrier to protect it from outside threats, but bypassing it was child's play. I could have done so without alerting the authorities but no such thing took place.

I intended to make my presence known, so I let them detect my presence.

This city is well developed, it has a very modern vibe to it. People filled the streets, seemingly enjoying their day, they seemed to be in a good mood.

"How nostalgic." I muttered.
Too bad it's about to cease to exist though.

I charged up a storm magic attack, supplying it with magicules and using Uriel's law manipulation to magnify the heat quantities of the black lightning in the attack.

Once again I looked at the people living their daily lives, how sad, for your happiness and peace to be ripped away abruptly. Death comes, like a thief at night. These people won't even know what hit them.

Wind speeds picked up, the clouds darkened and grew in size, heralding the destruction about to rain down on the unsuspecting humans. The holy knights won't be able to save them from this, it was a wide scale attack, fueled by mine and Veldora's magicules which I borrowed from the soul corridor.

I spoke the name of the attack as I unleashed it.
[Death Storm.]

This was originally Ranga's attack, it created a maelstrom of upward and downward air currents from combined Wind Manipulation and Black Lightning to form many pillars of lightning to appear, connecting the heavens and the earth, as well as a winding waterspout with a devastating range. This attack when performed by Ranga was devastating enough, but now with my magicules and [Law manipulation] it's destructive capabilities and range increased tenfold.

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