Short story: A Salaryman's Supernatural Induction 6.

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What a pain…

At this point I can only be honest with my thoughts on the matter.

If I was asked to state one thing about myself, I would most likely reference my diligence. Work was something that I put a lot of importance on.

I never shied away from working, but there's a single exception.

The Clan conference that takes place every three months.

Every time I've attended this event, I always leave the place with the mental vitality of a sloth. It's to be expected, a meeting where various pretentious old men flaunt their power and throw thinly veiled insults at each other can't be anything other than exhausting.

Most of the time, most of the meeting centers around meaningless power politics, leaving the really pressing matters to the wayside, kind of like a footnote.

Today, I was accompanying Lord Hayase to this event, I have to say I already want to come back home.

We haven't even left yet….


Oh, seems like I zoned out there…that's something I rarely do.

"My apologies, I wasn't paying attention." I made a hasty apology to Lord Hayase, it was disrespectful to leave him talking on his own.

"It's okay, but I've gotta say…you've changed. It's not blatant, but I can feel that something about you has improved."

Hmm. That came out of nowhere….

I had to consider his words though, had I changed?

Thinking back to that fateful day, Mikami had a few choice words for me. He was really different from how he usually acted, back then, I have to admit that's what made me really listen to his words, as opposed to just hearing them.

He had me thinking…why?

At what point in my life did I start holding all of us on such high pedestals. Yes, it was taught to us that our power was most likely a gift from the divine, but the Sakurai clan never preached superiority.

Why did I get so proud and conceited?

At the moment I asked this question, I became disgusted with myself. I wasn't even the strongest in our society, where did I go off throwing fancy words like honor around?

For a few weeks after that day, I waged an internal war within myself. My entire core was being questioned by me myself. The battle was at a standstill, both parts of me were equally matched.

It's resolved now though, I had a chance encounter with an interesting person. They were the one that gave me a final push.

Now, I have given up my delusions about being chosen and recognised by the heavens, the only people that qualify to be that conceited are those who have absolutely excelled. A height I plan to reach eventually.

"I suppose I have, I'm glad you can see improvement in me." I finally responded to him.

My thoughts had gone on a rather long tangent, but he hadn't pressured me. He just sat there, sipping his tea.

We were currently in his office, waiting for the confirmation that the preparations to attend the event have been completed. They should be done right about now.

Knock knock

Ah, there they are.

I looked over at Lord Hayase, silently asking for confirmation to let who was at the door in. He noticed my query and gave me an affirmative nod.

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