One full Henderson: A tale that could have been.

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Authors note: Yo. Hello.
So, just read this, for those who read that long(?) ass AU.
I wrote this on a whim to be honest.
Took about an hour or so, neat.
Happy reading lol.

"What do you want?"

"Don't be so hostile~"

I wanted to sigh.

Sigh till I couldn't anymore.

I never envisioned ending up like this, never.
Even if my life in this world got derailed.

This was so out of bounds of what I considered normal.

"Hahh, okay. May I ask to what I owe the visit?"

I hated this man, if he could even be called that.

I hated him, but that was nothing.

What I hated the most was what he swore to protect.

I hated this world.

And I hated every being that existed on it, aside from those who depended on me.

This world was a thing that I would choose to destroy, even at the cost of my life.

Again, I hate this world.

The mere thought of it made me tremble, my hands would have been clenched tightly if I didn't have an unnatural degree of control over my body.

Slime is very malleable after all, it was easy to shape and manipulate.

Just a few months ago, I had gone on a mad rampage. I had vowed to stop at nothing to eradicate the filthy pests that was humanity.

Quite the damage was done, but I was not satisfied with how it turned out.

More destruction, more death, more despair.

All these and more, if I could achieve that, my selfish want to soothe my feelings of inadequacy would have been granted.

But I was stopped, cowed into submission. This was how I viewed what happened.

To someone else, it might have appeared that I had no other choice.

"Hmm? Can't I visit my favourite and most hardworking friend? Pretty cold of you."

This demon…

If he hadn't intervened.

If he hadn't meddled in his stupid mission to maintain balance, I would have avenged my people by now.

"Of course you can, when you actually have something important to tell me. Please don't bother me unnecessarily."

I told him off, I wanted him to leave.

Back then, I should've been killed. Things certainly spiralled out of control.
Desolation, the only appropriate word.

Death hung in the air, like a tangible thing. It draped over the current occupants of this barren land, like a cloak of morbidity and darkness.

Visibility was low, the air was clouded by the ashes of various debris. Debris that was subject to the magic of the first demon Lord, Guy Crimson.

The demon responsible for the current stifling atmosphere stood there, he had an impassive look on his face, like he was looking at something irredeemable.

This look was directed at the newly evolved demon Lord, Rimuru Tempest.

He was about to be executed.

"Well, time to kill you. Any objections?"

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