Short story: A Salaryman's Supernatural Induction 14.

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The cardinal world. A realm of chaos, the first world created by the Star-King Dragon Veldanava out of many, a semi spiritual world that encompasses both physical and spiritual elements.

The cardinal world is inhabited by extremely powerful and peculiar beings, it stands at the center of the Star-King's creations. A variety of beings and objects find their way into the cardinal world based on different circumstances, be it intentionally or by accident.

Entering into the cardinal world is feasible, it has been accomplished numerous times, the same cannot be said when it comes to leaving it.

It is extremely difficult to leave the cardinal world, for those without the sufficient skill set or power.

Difficult, but not impossible.

The cardinal world's stability was compromised.

An ultimate rule broken, a punishment delivered, and so the Star-King perished at the hands of his own creations.

The death of a being like the Star-King would have consequences, regardless of his weakened state.


Screams, ash, death. All common themes on this battlefield.

The great empire of the east had been invaded. The prosperous country is now falling victim to the greediness of mankind.

To the humans participating in this invasion, it was a matter of conquest and glory.

Quite tragic.

In response to its laws being compromised, the world had engineered this situation to purge the discordant entity.

The humans were nothing but tools in the hand of a greater, unmoving power, yet they went on their merry way, taking advantage of the convenient absence of the emperor to claim the empire for themselves.

"How's the situation over in the front?"

In the rear of the battlefield, separated from all the chaos of the main altercation stood a group of tents. These tents housed the supreme commander of the invading force. Adorned in the top tier armor expected of someone of his position, the imposing man questioned the messenger that just arrived.

"No immediate problems are apparent yet sir! The battle progression seems to be at a standstill, but the commanders at the front instructed me to convey their unwavering vigor and morale sir!"

The messenger saluted as he gave his short report.

"A standstill, understood. What is the situation on the side of the mages?"

"Sir! The demon summoning is proceeding as planned, no complications."

The commander nodded at the good news. This was their trump card after all.

A group of 40 mages were employed to summon the highest tier of demon kind, an arch demon. 'With that kind of power, conquering this country will become easier.' were the thoughts of the upper brass of the invaders.

"Good, report back to me any significant events that occur. You are dismissed."


Giving another salute, the messenger left the tent, moving to complete his other tasks.

"Now, demon, show your face and deliver us to victory." The commander muttered under his breath.


I was always peculiar, someone like me existing among beings like demons was abnormal.

A race that prioritizes strength has no room for a being like me, who fights through the aid of others.

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