Short story: The bane of history 8.

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It's been one thing after the other since I met these two. As a sage who worked for Ingracia, I had a lot of experiences which would be perfect to hear as a story. It was normal for people like me to constantly experience things.

But this...this was too much.

From the King suddenly sending me off with them, to the warm welcome we received from the notoriously unwelcoming Tempest, it has been a consecutive series of sudden, unpredictable events.

Those completely seemed trivial the moment we came face to face with Rohr the liberator. I immediately understood how this person had been a thorn in Ingracia's side for all this time. His strength made my soul tremble in trepidation at the thought of facing him.

Instantly I realized what being a ruler of monsters really meant.

Absolute strength. Unlike humans, monsters don't determine their hierarchies by meaningless things such as wealth or bloodline, it was all about how strong you were.

To lead a mass of monsters as devastating as Tempest, one needed to be just as devastating.or even more.

Despite my terror I maintained my composure outwardly, breaking down in front of an enemy is the fastest path to defeat.

"It's nice to finally meet you, 'master'."

Everything was fine until I heard those words.

Everything began to fall into place, our peaceful entry into Tempest wasn't a stupid fluke after all.

My spine stiffened, my throat felt tight as I tried my best to avoid looking at the mysterious blue haired person called Rimuru.

I feared that whatever I saw at that moment would damn me forever.

"Aw, don't be so cold. It's our first meeting after all." His voice didn't change as he strode into the room, brushing past the fearsome ruler of monsters without any sign of hesitation.

Rimuru's friend went a whole step further, he stepped in front of Rohr, leaning so close to the Oni that their faces almost touched.

The tension in the room had literally turned corporeal as I felt my joints become stiff as if the very air was holding them in place.

"Ah, don't attack the redhead. I don't feel like bringing you back from near death again, or worse....." Rimuru said in a matter of fact tone as he settled into the absurdly high quality chairs that filled most of the room's space.

Is he being serious..? I looked at Rohr who seemed to have taken the advice seriously.

"Hmm. Not the most impressive of all your little projects but he's fine." Then the man who I couldn't help but equate to a demon let his own ridiculous line loose.

I would've been inclined to believe this was a bluffing contest if not for the fact that the undeniably powerful Rohr could only watch on in silence.

"All of you should come take a seat, we can't talk while everyone is standing and glaring at each other. And Guy, they are not 'projects'." Rmuru spoke up again, his tone flat and uninterested as he fiddled with some object he picked from Rohr's desk.

Guy only smirked before sitting next to Rimuru and placing his arm around his shoulders.

"Aw, don't be so cold." He mimicked the tone Rimuru used with Rohr.

Rimuru slightly glared at him, prompting the red themed man to take his hand away.

Rohr had sat down opposite to the carefree duo. His face no longer donning a smile.

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