Short story: A Salaryman's Supernatural Induction 15.

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The Sakurai main clan house had immaculate architecture, a really beautiful structure….this was the extent of my observation, I couldn't exactly take in the scenery when I was this agitated.

Something, most likely a demon, has been gathering souls. I can't wrap my head around how that was possible in this world, but the facts can't be lying to me.

Defeating this unknown entity as soon as possible is what I consider the most ideal scenario.

That's easier said than done though, it's only possible if I get the desired outcome out of this meeting about to occur.

The clans seemed to have been dancing in someone's palms all this time, one of them was even wiped out completely–well almost, and no one even bats an eye.

The extremists have been fighting for a cause that their leaders don't even believe in, and the clans have been fighting them, also caught in this huge manipulation trap.

But why?

Why pit the clans against some singular organization?

Is it to gather souls?

No, that's not right…a demon should be able to kill a few weak humans on their own.

Then why..?

I ruminated on the matter further as I strolled through the halls of the clan, trailing behind Sakurai.

We passed a few members who seemed to recognise me and they all sported glares as if to make me aware of this.

None of them attacked though, probably because of who was accompanying me. They were probably too low ranked to challenge Sakurai.

A few minutes passed, and here we are, standing outside an ornate wooden door.

This thing looks expensive enough to pay my rent…

Knock knock

Sakurai rapped her fingers against the smooth wooden surface, the sound echoed in the empty hallway.

"Come in." A muffled voice called from beyond the door. We've been accepted.

Sakurai opened the door and stepped in, she stood aside to let me go further in before her, then she shut the door quietly.

My eyes met those of the juvenile clan leader. As expected…

This guy has no hostility towards me…

Is he really a teenager?

He sat behind a cluttered desk, clad in casual clothes that clashed with the stiff formality the office represented.

He shifted his eyes from mine to the area to the left of me, I followed their path and saw that he was looking Sakurai directly in the eyes.

"Why is he here?"

Sakurai tensed up, she began to fiddle with her hands. "There's something important going on that you need to know, I judged that he would be the best to explain it."

"Something important? What could be so important that you brought in someone who's last on the clan's favorite person list, beaten only by the traitor?"

I watched silently, any input from me at this stage was unnecessary.

"It has to do with the recent Imo clan massacre incident. We have some new information regarding it."

Suddenly his eyes sharpened, he clenched his hands into fists, fists that shook in his attempt to control himself.

"Hana… were there, weren't you?" He sounded agitated, his eyes showing intense disappointment in Sakurai.

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