Short story: Of Slime and Blood - Prologue.

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LvT_Mist This is tentative, but I'm willing to at least give it a try.
Let's just say this story probably won't be as long as bane of history, it's not something I planned on actually.
I only mustered the motivation because I thought it'd be a good opportunity to test out a crossover with a light novel I love very much (it pretty much inspired my writing style, it's peak af)
The title is Min-maxing my TRPG build in another world. Very misleading, but it's very good.

No prior knowledge is needed to understand this story as I will write it like I'm making the world from scratch. Enjoy.


What do immortals do?

A question that found itself leaving the lips of many mortals, intrigued and curious about the life of the ever enduring undying.

Do they spend their days acquiring stimuli via academic research? Do they ponder on the various unknowns of the universe?

Or do they engage in a purely hedonistic lifestyle that spits on their perceived nobility as beings unbound by the concept of time?

“Another one please.” A clear and slightly haughty voice rang out, its owner lounging leisurely on a couch.

This was Luminous Valentine, the Queen of Nightmares, member of the Octagram.

The person she was addressing was a poor goblina tasked with the unfortunate duty of waiting on the demon lord.

“As you will.” She said timidly as she passed the heterochromatic vampire another plate of cream puffs.

It was nearing a century after all of the Cardinal world's main problems had been solved, eighty seven years to be exact.

Peace was achieved, and the world stabilized. An ideal outcome.

Or so one might think.

But peace brought a single problem with it, albeit one that only applies to beings like Luminous and her contemporaries.

Said problem was the absence of conflict.

At first, it was fulfilling. The onset of times of smiles and serenity elicited a sense of accomplishment in those responsible. It was a foregone conclusion that a person would look at a job well done and be pleased.

But it gradually grew stale.

Day after day, year after year. The lack of a constant threat to keep them on their toes drove them to the edge.

Yes, the absence of conflict, the absence of stimuli, the absence of entertainment.

This was the new mortal enemy of the Cardinal world's resident immortals.


The door to the lounge in which Luminous had conveniently situated herself burst open, and through it entered a Rimuru that looked bored and lethargic.

He glanced at the goblina waiting on his uninvited guest and sighed.

“You can go, I'll take care of her.” He said, ignoring how the goblina was doing her best to stop herself from smiling from satisfaction.

“Understood, Lord Rimuru.” She bowed and quietly left the room, closing the door behind her.

“Would I be right to assume that your statement means you'll be my new maid?” Luminous picked up a cream puff and threw it into her open mouth, all while making a half hearted attempt at teasing Rimuru.

“What brings you to Tempest, Luminous?” Rimuru ignored her and sat in the chair opposite of her, the sunlight coming in through the adjacent window enhancing his hair's natural gleam.

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