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I tried my best to help Shu with his depression. Of course, the hate mail was a problem, but then I reread the Harry Potter series and got an idea.

"Shu, throw out the hate mail without opening them. If there's no name on them, it's the hate mail."

It seemed to work as Shu was no longer being tortured by rude letters telling him mean things. He was also avoiding social media and had temporarily disabled his email account.

I came to his place every day after school and sometimes did my homework there. Shu sometimes helped me if I was struggling with something.

Spryzen had once told me that when Shu was younger, it was really easy to take advantage of him. Some classmate made him do their homework for them, but after a few months Shu had gotten wise to this trick.

Instead of confronting his classmate, Shu had been smart about it. The next time he had been asked to do their homework,  he wrote only wrong answers. That was the last time that classmate had made Shu do their homework.

I even tried making some cupcakes in Shu's kitchen. Since Shu was supervising me, the process went really smoothly.

After the cupcakes had finished baking, I had to wait for them to cool before frosting them. I made pink and blue frosting for the cupcakes.

"They are for the baby shower," I told Shu. "It's going to be pink and blue themed."

"But why?" asked Shu. "It's seems stereotypical to use pink for girls and blue for boys."

I had to admit that Shu was right. He was a boy and liked pink, and there were girls whose favourite colour is blue.

A week before the baby shower (and Shu's birthday), my parents surprised me by buying me two pretty dresses. One was pink and the other was blue.

I invited Shu over so that he could see the dresses for himself. I asked him which dress would suit me better.

"I think that I prefer the pink one on you," said Shu. "You look so pretty in pink."

"Thanks," I said. "I am hoping that I have a baby sister anyway, so I'm glad."

"Rose!" called my mother. "Can you help me with the decorations?"

Even though the party was a week away, we were already making a start on decorations. "Sure Mom."

I turned to Shu. "I should be back after ten minutes."

Well, it took a little bit longer than ten minutes to help set up the streamers. We were only going to do the balloons on the day of the baby shower, which I thought was a wise decision. Balloons seem to deflated over time.

"Sorry that took longer than expected," I said as I went back into my room. "I was..."

Shu was missing. And so was the pink dress. The blue one was still on my bed. I was confused.

Shu couldn't have left, for I would have seen him leave. And why would he take the pink dress with him?

"Shu, where are you? And where is my dress?"

"I'm in the bathroom," came Shu's voice. "Please don't come in."

I was confused. "Why would I want to watch you peeing? Are you hiding something from me?"

"No," came Shu's voice, but it sounded flustered. I got really suspicious at once.

"Shu, give me my dress back. I mean, you were the only one with it, and I need it for next week."

"Three minutes!" called Shu.

"Three minutes? Surely you don't take three minutes to use the bathroom."

"Please don't laugh. I... Am not using the bathroom."

"And why would I laugh at that?"

To my shock, the bathroom door opened to reveal Shu... Wearing my dress! He looked really embarrassed about it.

My mouth dropped open. "How... What... Why are you wearing my dress?"

"I... I have always liked dresses," said Shu. "And feminine things. But nobody else knows except for Valt's family and Xander."

I was stunned. Now that I had gotten over the shock of seeing Shu wearing a dress, I couldn't help noticing how cute he looks. Though he actually looks good in anything, regardless if it was his everyday clothes, a suit, or even his Snake Pit uniform.

"Shu, you look really pretty."

"Are you only saying that to make me feel better?"

"Shu, you look good in anything. Though I have never thought that I would ever see you wear a dress."

"Okay, but... Can I change back into my clothes? I don't want your parents to see me."

"Sure," I said.

Shu went back into the bathroom, and a few minutes later he exited back in his normal clothes and gave me my dress back.

"So care to explain why were you so uncomfortable with me seeing you in a dress?"

"Because... If I came out wearing this dress, people would laugh. Well, Valt won't, but I'm sure others will. I have loved dressing up as a kid.

"Once I saw my Mom dressing up to go to a party and asked her if I could wear makeup too. I was only four and didn't know that boys don't really wear makeup."

"If it makes you feel better, Jay from Ninjago once wore makeup."

"I know. Valt used to be obsessed with Ninjago when we were younger. But I didn't know Valt back then and I don't think Ninjago was airing yet. Mom told me that I was an idiot for wanting to war makeup, but I was a kid! How was I supposed to know better?

"Well, she actually gave me a pile of her old clothes from when she was a kid. It was probably one of the few times she actually did something for me. I would dress up in a party dress and pretend that I was a princess.

"Of course, I am too old for dressing up now, but I still like dresses. I don't think it's fair that girls get to wear dresses and boys don't."

"Oh," I said. "I have never thought of that before. If you like, I could share my clothes with you..."

"Oh no," said Shu. "I wouldn't be able to wear your clothes in public. The last thing I want is more harassment."

I felt really bad. I can't imagine how awful it must be for Shu that he can't express himself as freely as he wanted.

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