Retrograde Amnesia

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Many days passed. Valt and Lui had their battle, and Valt lost. But he didn't seem discouraged in the least. He said that he was going to get stronger and defeat Lui one day. I really admired the attitude he was taking.

About the play, I am now playing Giselle and Sakura was Morgan. She must have slaved at learning her part, for she's almost word-perfect. The play was in less than a month, but it seemed to be going quite well.

I was really looking forward to meeting my new younger sibling. My new parents had already started decorating the nursery. Since we don't know the gender yet, it wasn't that furnished.

I was getting really nervous about the play, but Shu would calm me down if I got too anxious, whether it was by making me his famous spaghetti, switching on my favourite movies, or giving me some chocolate. I don't know why chocolate seem to calm nerves so effectively, but can't complain about that.

One day I rang Shu up to ask him if he wanted to hang out at my place, but he said that he had a headache and was staying at home.

'Do you want me to come over?' I as asked.

'No, I'll be fine,' said Shu. 'You just don't worry.'

'Ok,' I said. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. It wasn't much fun being at home alone. My new parents had gone out to meet a party planner so that they could plan their baby shower. They said that I could invite all of my friends.

I have never been to a baby shower before. I was very young when my real life brother was born, but I'm sure that my parents didn't have a baby shower.

With nothing to do, I decided to go out. But something was up. I felt someone watching me. But every time I looked around there was no one there.

I didn't like this one bit. I started to run. But whatever it was seemed to be looking at me. I decided to run to Shu's apartment. He would know how to calm me down.

Shu was surprised to see me. 'Shu, someone's following me!' I said.

Shu looked around. 'I don't see anyone,' he said.

'I know that I sound crazy, but...'

'Wait, who are you?' asked Shu.

I was stunned. 'Shu, it's me, Rose,' I said. 'We just spoke on the phone earlier.'

Suddenly Shu remembered me again. 'Oh, sorry Rose,' he said. 'My memory kind of slipped for a moment.'

I couldn't believe that he was saying this so casually. 'Your memory slipped? Don't you have any idea how concerning that sounds?'

'Hey, it's fine. It's usually temporary. Yesterday I was training with Spryzen and I forgot what I was doing for a few seconds.'

'Shu, are you okay? You sound like you're getting Alzheimer's disease. Which isn't possible since you're still eleven.'

'I... I don't know.'

'Shu, you're going to the doctor right now!'

'Again? I don't want to go to the hospital again! I've already been there too many times to count.'

'Shu, please?' I asked as I made puppy-dog eyes.

Shu sighed. 'Fine, I'll go.'

It was more serious than I thought. It turned out that Shu had retrograde amnesia. I suddenly remembered that Shu had sustained a brain injury when he had gotten into the car accident. Could it have caused this?

The doctor explained that Shu was more likely to forget things that happened recently opposed to older memories. It wasn't temporary, but I got worried. Oh no, this was my fault.

Shu tried to assure me that he would be fine, but I was still anxious. 'What if you forget who you are? Or where you live? That would be awful!'

'Rose, I will be okay,' said Shu. 'If I do forget something, I will just wait until I remember again. Or I could call someone and ask them.'

'Shu, this is serious! I don't want you to harm yourself if you forget something!'

'Rose, it's alright,' said Shu. 'Speaking of which...'

Shu's voice trailed off.

'What?' I asked.

'I... I forgot,' he said.

'What?' I asked. What was the important thing Shu wanted to tell me? This disease was already driving me nuts!

'Look, if I remember what I was going to tell you, I will inform you immediately.'

'Well, I don't like the fact that you hadn't said anything about forgetting anything.'

'Rose, I will be fine. Don't stress.'

But I couldn't help worrying. In fact, I was so worried about Shu that I had totally forgotten about the thing following me (for I felt that it couldn't have been a person).

I just hoped that Shu's retrograde amnesia wouldn't become worse.

Reincarnated in Beyblade Burst Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon