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Trigger warning: Contains mentions of mental health, depression and cyberbullying.

I hoped that the gossip about Shu would die down after a while, but they seemed to get worse.

If that wasn't enough, Shu was receiving hate mail and is getting harassed online. Shu told me that he's not bothered at all, but I knew that he was lying.

Honestly, it made me really sad to see all the hate Shu was receiving. But it was part of being famous. One small mistake and you get harassed for it.

I called Valt and told him about the situation. But Valt wasn't sure about what to do about it.

The whole of the International Blader's Cup was now on YouTube. I watched the finals and honestly, it had the most views. Most of the comments were positive, but the negative ones were really hateful.

One comment said that Valt should not have taken Shu back. Anyone who knows Valt well would know that he isn't the type of person to hold grudges.

But the most hateful comment told Shu to jump in a lake. The last thing Shu needs is more trauma. But the end of the comment said that Shu's parents should disown him. That was downright cruel.

It suddenly dawned on me that this would be considered cyberbullying. And cyberbullying is a serious offence. Even Shu's bullies at the Raging Bulls wouldn't dream of humiliating Shu like that.

I was tempted to show the comments to Shu, but I didn't want him to get hurt again. I decided to check if cyberbullying can be reported to the police.

Apparently, reporting to the police is a last resort and I should tell the victim's parents or school.

I had no idea what to do. Telling Shu's parents was out of the question, and even though Principal Shinoda would most likely agree to help, I doubted that he could stop people from harassing Shu online.

Just then, it dawned on me. Shu's parents didn't care about him, but I knew another set of parents who did. I ended up calling my parents.

They were both shocked when they heard about all the hate Shu was receiving. They even watched the video of his matches with Valt and were very angry with the mean comments.

After a bit more research, I discovered that cyberbullying may cause depression. Shu was already depressed because of the Red Eye incident. Whenever we talked, Shu would pretend to be fine, but I could tell that he was secretly crying alone.

I didn't know who were the people harassing Shu, but they had to be stopped. I couldn't help but worry about Shu's mental health. I had once asked him to go to therapy, but he refused.

I kept an eye on Shu the whole time to make sure that he won't do anything dangerous. Shu complained that I was acting ridiculously overprotective.

"Sorry, but I'm worried about you. You're not fine at all, and you receive hate mail every day."

Shu shrugged as he cut up vegetables. "It's fine. I deserve it anyway."

"No you don't," I said. "Nobody deserves to be harassed. Please don't do anything to hurt yourself."

"Why would I do that?" asked Shu as he looked at me. Unfortunately, as Shu was asking that question, he accidentally cut his finger and gasped.

"Shu!" I yelled.

"I'm fine," said Shu, though his face was paler than usual. He tried to grab some bandages from the medical cabinet, but he must be feeling giddy, because he kept shaking. I grabbed the bandages for him.

"Here, let me help you," I told Shu. I washed his wound and then bandaged his finger. "You okay now?"

"Yeah, I think so," said Shu. He still didn't look too good, so I told him to lie down on the sofa.

"But who's going to make lunch?" asked Shu. Fubuki was going to come over that day, so he was preparing lunch for three people.

"I'll figure something out," I told him. "You need to rest after your shock. You look really out of it."

Shu sighed. "Okay, I'll rest."

I smiled. "Good."

I ended up making rice with broccoli and sausages for lunch. Fubuki was a little disappointed as he had gotten fond of Shu's spaghetti (I don't blame him, Shu's cooking is just that good) he understood why after I told him about Shu cutting his finger.

Unfortunately, I made the mistake of giving him my phone to play games while I checked on Shu. For Fubuki thought that it would be fun to watch YouTube instead, and saw some of Shu's hate comments.

"Rose! Shu!" he called. "Someone is calling Shu nasty words."

Shu gasped. "Wait, what?"

Shu looked like he was going to faint when he saw the hate comments on YouTube. "People... Want me to kill myself?"

"What? No," I said. "They are... Just being petty?"

"Petty?" asked Shu. He sounded close to tears. "Even Lui's worst insults aren't that mean. They really hate me, don't they?"

I had nothing to say to that. Shu started to cry, and honestly it was so sad. I had no idea how Shu was supposed to get out of this situation.

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