Movie Marathon

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It was almost impossible to have a quiet word with Shu. It seemed that the journalists have memorized my timetable, because anytime I tried to go anywhere, at least one of them was trying to ask me questions about how it felt like to date one of the Supreme Four.

How on earth was that relevant to the Beyclub's success in the Team Battles? Kairi explained to me that journalists like digging up drama and juicy gossip. Never in a million years did I imagine that anyone would be interested in my love life.

Anyway, I had chosen the movies for the movie marathon, which has been rescheduled to the following Saturday. They were Frozen, The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins, The Little Mermaid, The Princess Diaries and Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. I was a little worried that the boys may find my choices a little too girly, but Kairi said that it was my choice at what to watch.

The only problem was that I couldn't go up to the Beyclub to tell them about the movie marathon without being swarmed by the journalists. Which meant that I had to talk to them outside of school, where they wouldn't be able to catch me.

Two days before the movie marathon, I tried to talk to Valt and Rantaro during Gym, but it was very difficult because the teacher made us play dodgeball.

I have never played dodgeball in my life, so I was super bad at it. People kept throwing balls everywhere.

Eventually, one ball hit me in the stomach. It really hurt and I sat on the floor for some time because I was really winded. Kairi and Valt helped me to the bench. Soon I began to feel better.

A couple of minutes later, Valt was also out of the game and sat near me. 'I hate dodgeball,' he told me. 'Last year Shu and I walked into a field where a bunch of sixth graders were playing that game and they threw balls at us to chase us off. I tripped over one and almost broke my leg.'

I wanted to mention how I have never played the game, but then I remembered that Valt thought that I was American, and Americans played dodgeball a lot. So instead I said, 'I hate dodgeball too.'

'Oh yeah,' I said. 'This Saturday I'm having a movie marathon at my house. The Beyclub is invited to join. And Ken too, if he can make it.'

'Cool,' said Valt. 'Sounds great.'

A lot of things happened over the next two days. The Beyclub trained for the finals, Shu training twice as hard as the rest of them as he had missed a lot while in hospital. The whole team grew closer as a whole. I would be lying if I said that I didn't prefer the original Beyclub to the one in Beyblade Burst Turbo.

I told my new Mom that my friends would be coming over on Saturday for a movie marathon. She said that it was fine as long as there was nothing inappropriate. I don't know if she was talking about the movies or my friends.

Only Kairi had come over to my house before, so everyone else kept exploring the place.

'Wow, I didn't know that you have so much Disney Princess stuff,' Valt said as he entered my room.

'My little brother is getting discharged from the hospital tomorrow,' said Daigo. 'Just in time for the Team Battle finals. He's looking forward to seeing a match in person instead of on TV.'

'Does anyone want popcorn?' I asked.

'Oh, me, me, me!' said Valt. I should have known.

We watched Mary Poppins first. I remembered the first time I watched the movie as a small kid. I was too young to understand the movie, but I remembered loving the music.

'I watched the movie with my brother Ranjiro when I was younger,' said Rantaro.

'You have a brother?' asked Wakiya. 'Why didn't you say so?'

'You never asked,' said Rantaro.

Frozen was next. I was worried that the boys wouldn't like it, but they were too busy commenting on things to be disinterested in it.

'Wouldn't it be awesome to have ice powers?' asked Valt.

'I can't imagine not interacting with my sibling for years,' said Daigo.

'Wait, why is Elsa blond and the parents are brunettes?' questioned Wakiya.

'Maybe it's a recessive gene,' I said. This reminded me of people asking why Lloyd from Ninjago is blond when his parents are brunettes.

'The ice castle is beautiful,' said Kairi.

'How long have you liked Frozen?' asked Shu.

'Since I first watched it in the cinema,' I said without thinking.

'So you've liked Frozen since you were seven?' asked Ken through Besu.

I didn't know what to say to that, so I kept quiet for the rest of the movie.

We all ate lunch while watching The Little Mermaid. I forgot how enjoyable the songs were, though I could never keep track of the names of Ariel's sisters.

My favourite song from there is still Part of Your World. My new Mom suddenly decided to tell my friends about my- I mean, Rose's obsession with the movie.

'Rose has loved The Little Mermaid since she was three. She had an Ariel dress for her fourth birthday and memorized the lyrics for Part of Your World. She watched it so many times that her friends got sick of the movie.

I nearly died of embarrassment when my new Mom showed them an old video of me- I mean Rose, in an Ariel dress watching The Little Mermaid and singing Part of Your World.

'Rose was singing Part of Your World at Zac's party,' said Kairi. 'You should sing that now.'

'Now?' I asked. 'Oh, no way.'

'After the movie then,' said Kairi.

Everyone seemed interested in hearing me sing, so I have no choice but to agree. 'Fine, I'll do it,' I said. 'Just please stop begging.'

The movie seemed to end too fast. I was petrified as I started to sing. But as the song went on, I forgot about my audience and enjoyed myself.

'When's it my turn? Wouldn't I love, love to explore that shore above? Out of the sea
wish I could be part of that world.'

'You were amazing!' said Valt. 'Where did you learn to sing like that?'

I turned red. I wished that people would stop asking me questions.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was next. I loved that movie. The best part was the Quidditch match. As it turned out, Valt, Shu, Wakiya and Rantaro have read the books and knew what was going on.

'Wait, Oliver Wood didn't get hurt in the book,' said Valt.

'Wasn't Neville the one who got caught out of bed instead of Ron?' asked Wakiya.

The Princess Diaries was another book-inspired movie. Only this time no one had read the book, even me. Though I'm sure that the father is alive in the book.

Kairi told me that the actress for the mean girl also voiced Rapunzel in Tangled, much to my surprise. But when I googled it later, I found out that she was right.

The Sound of Music was last. Of course, the songs were spectacular. Valt told me that Beigoma Academy once had a play featuring The Sound of Music. Kairi had played Brigitta and Shu had been Friedrich. Valt had auditioned for Kurt, but didn't get the role as he was a terrible singer.

'You should audition for the next play,' said Kairi. 'You should be able to get a good part.'

'No way,' I said. 'I get stage fright. I can't possibly do it.'

'You could try,' said Daigo. 'Valt suffers from stage fright too, but he was still able to give that speech at the start of the Team Battles.'

Daigo was right, but could I really sing in front of hundreds of people?

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