The Hike

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I couldn't stop screaming into my pillow (which had Rapunzel's face on it). What on earth was I thinking? I must have been mad. You don't just kiss a boy like that out of the blue.

I was tempted to text Kairi to tell her what had happened, but how do I explain the kiss? She would never believe me if I told her that it was an accident.

As if that wasn't bad enough, Valt had also seen me kissing Shu, which means that the beyclub would know too. I mean, there is no way a chatterbox like Valt would keep quiet about witnessing someone kissing his best friend.

The next day, I was afraid of bumping into Shu. He must be thinking that I was nuts. But it turned out that I needn't have worried. Whenever I saw Shu, he just said, 'Hi,' awkwardly and then avoided eye contact with me. I guess that he was just as embarrassed as I am.

Still, it was really annoying when Tamiko flirted with Shu during Math. However, Shu got called to the principal's office ten minutes before the end of the lesson. I was a bit worried that Shu was in trouble, but I later found out that Shu and Valt were being interviewed for making it to the District tournament finals. I should have known.

I tried not to dwell too much on Shu, but my mind kept wandering endlessly to him. I couldn't forget what he had told me about his parents. I felt bad that Shu didn't have loving, supporting parents. My real life parents were the best parents I could ask for. Even though my parents in this world weren't as amazing as my real life parents, they were still lovely people who wanted the best for me.

Had Shu raised himself? That seemed pretty likely. He always seemed like the independent type. I wanted to do something to help him, but I couldn't figure out how I was supposed to help his situation.

The weekend seemed to pass too fast. I didn't watch the match, partially because I already knew how it was going to end and partially because I feared bumping into Shu again. Though it was a pity that I wouldn't get to meet Xander. But then, there would be other chances later on.

But when I went back to school on Monday, I noticed that Shu was absent. Had he gone to see Xander's grandfather?

Kairi asked me why I hadn't attended the match. 'I looked high and low for you. Imagine how cross I was when I called your Mom and heard that you weren't planning to attend.'

Oops. I forgot to tell Kairi that I wasn't planning to attend the match.

Kairi told me about the match. 'It was amazing. I was certain that Shu was going to win easily. Well, he did win, but not before Valt snagged two points for him. It was so awesome. You should have been there.'

'Maybe next time,' I suggested.

Kairi frowned. 'Rose, why didn't you attend? There must be a good reason.

I had no choice. I had to tell her. 'Fine. I may have kissed Shu last Thursday.'

'What? Why didn't you tell me?'

'Shh, not so loud. Do you want the whole school to know?'

'Sorry. And how did Shu react?'

'He was shocked. Well, we didn't really talk about it. It was so embarrassing.'

'Well, you should talk to Shu about it. Where is he, by the way? Don't tell me he had fallen sick the day you need to talk to him.'

I knew quite well that Shu isn't sick, but I didn't say so.


After school that day, Kairi suggested that we hang out at her house, but it seemed that the universe had other plans for us.

As Kairi and I walked, we happened to pass Valt and the Beyclub. Rantaro called out to us.

'Hey! The two of you haven't seen Shu, have you?'

I just stood in my place. I wasn't sure if they all knew about me kissing Shu.

'No, we have not,' said Kairi.

Valt looked at me a little oddly. He was probably wondering why on earth would I kiss Shu for.

Just then, I heard a new voice. I turned around and saw Xander. It was so obvious that it was him. He was as big as Hagrid for crying out loud!

'Xander!' said Kairi. 'I haven't seen you for years.'

'Kairi, long time no see,' said Xander. 'Who's your friend?'

'This is Rosalie Charmille,' said Kairi. 'We call her Rose. Rose, this is Alexander Shakadera. He's a friend of Shu and Valt. We call him Xander.'

I smiled. 'Hi Xander. It's nice to meet you.'

Xander greeted me back. Then he told Valt where Shu was.

'Brilliant,' Kairi whispered to me. 'You can go to this dojo and talk to Shu there.'

A part of me wanted to refuse. But I had to talk to Shu eventually. So Kairi and I ended up tagging along.

The train ride was fun, but sadly I couldn't say the same about the hike. I wasn't physically active, so it was difficult going up the mountain. The traps that sprung up didn't help either.

I did my best to avoid the traps, but somehow I ended up inside a net. I lost it and started screaming for help. I felt like throttling Yugo.

Xander told me not to panic and released me from the net. 'Sorry about that. I guess that you don't have much experience with traps.'

Obviously I don't! But I didn't want to appear rude, so I kept my mouth shut.

After what seemed like forever, we managed to find a path. However, Kairi wasn't pleased.

'Are you kidding me? We could have just taken the path!'

'Sorry,' said Xander. 'I forgot that you hate walking.'

Just as we reached the dojo, Yugo appeared and talked to Valt. However, I only had one person on my mind. I hoped that everything would be alright.

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