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I felt hopeful. It seemed that there was a chance that Shu would wake up. This was enough to get me through the next week or so.

'Rose, do you want to hang out after school?' Valt asked me one day.

'No, I'm not in the mood,' I said. Truthfully, I was suffering from stomach cramps. It was that time of the month, but I wasn't telling Valt that. He probably wouldn't have any idea what that means.

I don't know why my body felt the need to punish me every month for not being pregnant. When that happens, I completely lose my appetite and have no energy.

The Beyclub had won their match against the Beasts while The Superstars lost to Rideout. I was a bit worried that since Shu was absent from the team battles, things won't go so well.

'Do you need a heat patch?' Kairi asked me. 'It helps with the pain.'

'Maybe,' I said. The boys had no idea how lucky they were that they didn't have to suffer like this.

I had a shock when I arrived home. My new Mom told me that I was going to the hospital to get a flu shot.

I hate needles. Injections are simply the worst. When I was little I would scream whenever I would get an injection or a blood test.

I told my new Mom that I didn't want to get any injection, but it was no good. She said that we were going to the hospital at five in the afternoon.

It seems that when you want the time to pass slowly, it does the opposite. I was so frightened of the injection that I forgot all about my cramps.

My new Mom looked at me in confusion. I guess that Rose wasn't scared of needles.

The doctor was the same one I had seen when I had stomach flu. I wondered if he was also the same doctor Shu saw when he was injured.

The doctor told me to calm down. 'I promise that it will be over soon,' he said. 'Just close your eyes and count to three.'

Why on earth was this doctor talking to me like I'm a kid? Oh, wait. I am a kid.

Well, I followed his advice. I closed my eyes. I tried to occupy my thoughts with happy thoughts. I still felt the injection though.

It didn't hurt as much as I feared, but I still felt it and kept whispering, 'Ow, ow, ow,' the entire time.

It was over quickly. The doctor smiled at me. 'You were very brave,' he said.

'Brave? Rose isn't usually scared of injections. I don't know why she's acting like this.'

The doctor gave me a lemon candy in a wrapper. I felt a little embarrassed as I felt that I was too old for candy. I'm not a small child.

I sighed as I looked at the candy in my hand. Getting aged down is so confusing sometimes.

I told my new Mom that I was going to use the bathroom, but I sneaked off to visit Shu again.

The table next to Shu's bed was overflowing with Get Well cards, flowers and chocolates. Clearly this was the product of Shu's fangirls.

'Shu, are you there?' I asked. 'I just wanted to let you know that your fangirls have been leaving you presents. I hope that you're alright.'

However, something strange happened as I reached out to touch his hand. Shu's fingers suddenly jerked before going still again.

I gasped. What was going on? 'Shu? Shu, are you in there?'

I debated on whether to call the nurse or not. But Shu's body kept twitching.

'Shu? Shu!' I yelled.

What do I do? What do I do? WHAT DO I DO?

Suddenly, I remembered something. There was one thing on the nearby table that didn't match the others. I picked up Spryzen and placed it in Shu's hand. 'Spryzen, tell Shu to wake up!'

In an instant, Shu opened his eyes and sat up at once.

'Shu!' I called. 'Are you okay?'

Shu looked confused. 'Where am I? How did I get here? And...' Shu's voice trailed off as he looked at me.

'Rose,' he said.

'Shu,' I said.

I tried to hold Shu's hand, but he pulled away and refused to look at me. 'Why are you here?' he asked.

I suddenly remembered the harsh words I had spoken to him at the party. 'Shu, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything I said. I was angry at the time.'

Shu didn't look angry. He only seemed... sad. I didn't want to think of all of the pain he was hiding behind those crimson orbs of his.

'You hurt my feelings,' said Shu. 'I was trying to help you, but you pushed me away.'

'I know,' I said. 'But you saved my life.'

Shu turned away and looked down. Was there something else he wasn't telling me?

I took Shu's hand, and this time he let me. 'Shu, is there something bothering you?'

'I... I don't want to say,' said Shu. 'I'm too ashamed.'

'Bottling things up never does anyone any good,' I told him. 'If there's something bothering you, you can tell me. I won't tell anyone.'

Shu sighed. 'You know that my parents aren't very involved with me. But it used to be worse.

'When I was a baby, my mother's sister, my Aunt Hinata, looked after me. She was the sweetest person I knew. But she passed away when I was three.'

'Oh, I'm sorry,' I said.

'My parents didn't like me. They used to lock me in my room every time I got in their way. Once they both went to work leaving me locked in my room. I thought that I was going to starve to death, but luckily one of the neighbours rescued me. They told my parents that they will report them to the police if they ever locked me up again, so they stopped doing that.'

'That's horrible,' I said.

'Well, when I saw you about to get hit by that car, I thought of my Aunt Hinata. I didn't want to lose you too.'

I looked down. I had no idea Shu had such a tragic childhood. 'Er, Shu? There's something I want to tell you.'

Shu looked surprised. 'What is it?'

I looked him straight in the eyes before saying, 'I have died and was reincarnated in this body.'

Reincarnated in Beyblade Burst Where stories live. Discover now