Not Again!

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Before I knew it, the quarter finals of the National Tournament had started. Shu had pretty much recovered from his sleep deprivation.

Sometimes I feel that Shu is my child. I would ring him every day to remind him to sleep. Clearly his habit of overworking is something he can't snap out of easily.

The other Beyclub members (or ex-members, for Shu and Wakiya quit the Beyclub not too long ago) heard all about Shu's sleepwalking scenario and what happened before it. Valt was worried, as usual. Rantaro suggested that Shu see a doctor or therapist. Shu shot the latter idea down as he didn't want his parents to find out about his problems.

Of course, everyone asked Shu why didn't he want his parents to find out. He said nothing about it, so everyone dropped the subject after a while.

That didn't stop everyone from being concerned though. Wakiya suggested that Shu take a few days off school, but Shu also shot that idea down. I think that he would rather go ice skating in public than miss school.

Well, I am starting to regret watching that Barbie movie. Why? The songs are stuck in my head! Sometimes I would sing Free or I Am A Girl Like You out loud. Talk about embarrassing!

Finally, the day of the first two matches of the quarter finals had arrived. It was on a Saturday, so I could watch it. Unfortunately, guess who was waiting for me outside my house. Hachiro!

I groaned. 'Please leave me alone,' I said.

But Hachiro simply didn't understand the meaning of the word 'no'. He gave me a small box of heart-shaped candies in pink. 'You're so sweet, you're giving me a toothache.'

I was tempted to throw the box away, but I didn't want to be rude. So I just quickly went off to the beyblade arena. Kairi was there waiting for me.

'Hi Rose. Ooh, is that a good luck present for Shu?'

Huh? Just then, I remembered that I was still holding the box of candies. Well, since I don't actually want the candies, I might just as well give them to Shu.

Well, Shu liked them. He told me that he was going to share them with me though. I couldn't help blushing at that.

As Kairi and I sat in the bleachers, she said, 'I just realized that our boyfriends are going to face each other.'

'You're right,' I said. 'Still, it doesn't matter. We're still friends, right?'

'Of course,' said Kairi. 'To be honest, I think that...'

'Hey gorgeous,' came a voice. I jumped in my seat and screamed.

'Hachiro, what are you doing here?' asked Kairi in disgust.

'Why?' asked Hachiro. 'Can't a boy come and see his sweetheart?'

I almost gagged in disgust. 'Hachiro, I'm not your sweetheart,' I said. 'And did it ever occur to you that I'm not interested in you?'

'Didn't you like the candies I gave you?' asked Hachiro.

'Candies?' asked Kairi. 'Wait, did Hachiro give you the same candies you gave Shu?'

Hachiro gasped. 'You gave away my present?'

'I didn't want it!' I said.

'But why give it to Shu? It would have made sense if you had given it to Kairi, but Shu?'


Oops. Now everyone was staring at us. Shu's fan club was staring at me with shocked and upset looks in their eyes. Even Shu and Wakiya were staring at us from below. I thought that Shu was going to die from embarrassment.

Feeling humiliated, I sat back down. What on earth did I do?

Shu's fangirls were glaring at me like they wanted to murder me. It just felt most uncomfortable.

'I have to go,' I said. Then I quickly left.


I had been sitting in the bathroom for two hours and had no intention of coming out soon. I just felt so humiliated. And Shu was probably feeling just as humiliated.

Why had I yelled out that Shu was my boyfriend like that? On one hand, his fangirls may leave him alone now that they know that he's taken. On the other hand, what if people kept interviewing me about my relationship with Shu? Only people from school knew about our relationship so far.

I ended up watching the match from my phone. Just like in the show, Shu won, but it was a close call. I sighed. I still didn't want to go out.

I felt a little cold sitting on the toilet. But I was too scared to leave. Call me a coward, but I didn't want to deal with a horde of angry fangirls.

Just then, I heard the sound of a child crying. I slowly opened the door, but there was no one else in the bathroom. That meant that the crying came from outside.

I went out and saw a small boy with blonde hair crying at a corner. 'Are you okay?' I asked.

'I want my Mom!' sobbed the boy. 'I got lost and I can't find her.'

'What's your name?' I asked.

The boy rubbed his eyes before looking up at me. That's when I saw his eyes for the first time, and I recognized him immediately.

His eyes were a deep red. 'Fubuki Sumiye,' he said.

I did not expect to meet Fubuki so soon. In the show, he only appeared at the end of Beyblade Burst Evolution. He was one of my favourite characters from Turbo.

'Where's your Mom?' I asked.

'She said that she was going to meet me after using the toilet,' said Fubuki. 'But I sort of wondered off after a bit and now I am lost.'

'I can call her,' I told him. 'Do you know your Mom's phone number?'

Fubuki said that he did, so I was able to call his Mom and tell her where Fubuki was.

Just then, I heard Shu's voice calling, 'There you are, Rose. I was starting to think that you have gone home.'

I gasped when I saw Shu. And I wasn't the only one. Fubuki switched into Fanboy mode and said, 'OMG! OMG! OMG! Shu Kurenai?'

Before I knew it, Fubuki was begging Shu to have a battle with him. However, his mother appeared and he had to go with her.

'I like that kid,' Shu told me after they left. 'By the way, why did you miss my match?'

'I was embarrassed,' I told him. 'I mean, I basically exposed our relationship.'

Shu sighed. 'Rose, I know that you didn't mean to do that. And I don't care that your gift came from somewhere else.' He gave me a candy. 'Want one?'

I smiled. 'Sure. I will like that.'

I placed the candy into my mouth. It tasted of strawberries. But it was nowhere as sweet as the kiss Shu gave me at that moment.

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