Birthday Surprises

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On the day Stella was going to take me and Shu to the amusement park, I woke up to hear knocks on the door. "Hello?" I asked.

To my surprise, my parents came in with a tray of pancakes with strawberries, a glass of orange juice and chocolate buns. "Happy birthday," said Mom.

"Today is my birthday?" I asked.

"Of course it's your birthday, silly," said Dad. "Here is your breakfast, princess."

I turned red. "I'm not a princess," I said.

"Rose, don't you remember? You're always the princess of the day for your birthday," said Mom. "Oh, and here's your princess tiara." She placed a silver plastic tiara with pink jewels on my head.

"Wow. And you made this breakfast for me?"

"No, that was Shu," said Dad. "But he was a bit shy about bringing this up for you."

I enjoyed my breakfast. Then I got ready for the day. I wondered if Stella had purposely picked this day so that I could have a birthday treat.

I found Shu in the spare room looking down. I gave him a hug.

"Thanks for the breakfast," I said.

"No problem," said Shu, his face a little red. I must admit, Shu looks so cute when he's blushing.

"Oh, can you believe that we are going to the amusement park? You're going to love it."

"No problem, princess," said Shu.

"Oh, you don't have to call me that," I said. I quickly left the room, but then I heard a faint sneezing sound. Strange.


I had decided that I would forgive Stella. After all, if Valt could forgive Shu for pushing him away and hurting him emotionally, then I could forgive Stella for being selfish and taking advantage of me. And it seemed that she had learned from her mistakes.

Stella wished me a happy birthday and gave me a present. It was a pair of pink sneakers. I was happy to wear them for the day.

Shu didn't seem excited about the outing at all. Maybe he was still feeling sad.

"Come on," I said. "I know that you're still feeling guilty, but today we are going to have fun together."

"I know," said Shu. "It's just... Never mind."

Once we were at the amusement park, I went to the roundabout. "Come on, let's go!"

Stella was on board, but Shu insisted that roundabouts made him feel queasy, so Stella and I went alone.

Then we went to the rollercoaster. I didn't want to go, so Stella and Shu went on without me.

Shu had insisted on staying with me, but I didn't want to ruin his fun.

However, it seemed like Shu didn't enjoy the rollercoaster at all. He actually threw up in a trashcan after it was over.

Then, Stella went to the Ferris Wheel as I was terrified of Ferris Wheels and Shu didn't feel up to rides at the moment. I decided that Shu and I would get a snack instead.

We got cotton candy, but Shu didn't eat his at all. I got concerned.

"Are you okay, Shu?" I asked.

"I'm fine," said Shu. "It's just..." Shu suddenly sneezed like three times.

I got concerned. "Shu, are you okay? You don't look so good."

As the day went on, I realised that Shu wasn't well. Stella and I went on the bumper cars, but Shu said that he had to sit down.

As Stella drove the car we were both sitting in, I looked over at Shu. He looked awful. He was shivering like mad and went over to the trashcan three times.

Finally, I couldn't take it. After the ride was over, I went up to Shu.

"We're going back and you are going to rest. You're obviously sick."

"No, I'm fine," said Shu weakly. He tried to walk, but stumbled and I caught him.

For the first time, I noticed that Shu's body was burning hot. It was clear that he was sick.

"Shu, why didn't you say that you weren't feeling well?"

"I didn't want to ruin your birthday," said Shu weakly.

"Shu, you should get home and rest," I told him.

Stella also got concerned and agreed that Shu should be brought home.

"How long have you been feeling sick?" I asked as we reached my grandparents' house.

"Since I woke up this morning," said Shu. "But I wanted you to be happy for your birthday."

"Shu, let's just get you to bed. I promise to leave some birthday cake for you."

However, as soon as we walked into the house, we were greeted with balloons, pink and red decorations, and a lot of people?


I couldn't believe it. A surprise party? I looked over at Shu, but he looked as surprised as I was.

Kairi beamed at me. "Happy birthday Rose," she said.

"How long have you guys been planning this?" I asked.

"I came up with this idea shortly after you went to America," she said. "Unfortunately, Shu was already missing by the time I told our friends, so he has no idea.

"Come on, it's time for you to cut the cake," said Toko.

"Er... This isn't a good..." I started.

But my friends didn't seem to hear me. I was brought to my birthday cake, which was a Frozen one. Well, I tried to rush the process and immediately blew out the candles after the song was finished. But cutting the cake was really difficult.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Ice cream cake," said Rantaro. "Goldilocks here bought it for you."

"Hey!" yelled Wakiya, and before I knew it, the two of them were bickering again.

"Wait, where's Shu?" I asked.

Long story short, I found Shu sleeping on the couch. "Should I wake him up?" asked Valt.

"No, he's sick," I said. "Just... Let him sleep."

"Oh," said Valt. Then he went into overprotective best friend mode and kept checking up on Shu.

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