Saying Goodbye

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Before I knew it, it was the end of the school year. Everyone seemed to be looking forward to summer vacation, but I couldn't stop thinking about Shu going off to America.

Shu didn't bother telling his parents about going to the USA. 'Why bother?' he had asked. 'It's not as if they will care where I am.'

I was half-tempted to beg Shu to stay, but I knew that it was a bad idea. Even if I could tell him why I didn't want him to go, he would never believe me if I told him about the Red Eye situation. He would probably think that I'm insane.

A day after the last day of school, I was in my room reading a book when I got a phone call from Shu. He sounded scared. 'Rose, I need you now,' he said.

'Why? Is something the matter?' I asked.

'Please,' said Shu. Something was up. I quickly ran over to his place.

'Shu, is everything okay?' I asked when he let me in.

'Rose, I'm scared. I have never been in an airplane before. I... Need you.'

'Wait, when are you leaving?' I asked.

'Tomorrow,' said Shu.

'Oh. You're... Afraid of riding in an airplane?'

'Not exactly. It's travelling alone in another country that freaks me out.'

'Is there anything I can do?'

'I don't know,' said Shu. 'Can you just... Spend the night with me? I have invited Valt over too.'

'Oh. Okay,' I said.

I asked my new parents over the phone if I could spend the night with Shu. They said yes, but warned me against doing anything inappropriate.

Valt came over a couple of minutes after I finished talking to my parents. He looked really excited. 'Guess what?' he asked.

'What?' Shu and I asked at the same time.

'I'm going to Spain!' said Valt. 'I have been recruited by BC Sol!'

So he's been scouted by BC Sol already? That was quick.

'That's great, Valt,' said Shu.

'Yeah,' said Valt. 'I will be going there next week. Mom said that she will book an early flight ticket for me so that I will get there on time.

I was tempted to laugh. I knew quite well that Valt will end up being a day late. Of course, I didn't say so.

Shu told Valt about his fears of going to another country alone, but Valt reassured him.

'You'll be fine,' he said. 'You're good at navigating. Remember that time when we were in first grade and we got lost during a school field trip?'

I looked at them in interest. 'What happened?' I asked.

'We went on a field trip to the water park,' said Shu. 'That was before I was scared of swimming. Well, Valt and I ended up wandering too far from the group. Valt freaked out and cried.'

'I remember,' said Valt. 'But Shu remembered where the group was going so he looked at one of the maps and navigated our way there.'

I looked at Shu in amazement. 'Wow, I didn't realize that you're street smart too.'

Valt looked confused. 'Street smart?' he asked.

'It's a term used for people who can figure out a way to manage tough situations,' I said.

Shu shrugged. 'Well, are you two hungry?' he asked.

'Yeah,' said Valt.

'You're always hungry,' I teased.

I felt a little bit of dread inside my stomach though. Even though I had liked Beyblade Burst Evolution (it was my favourite season) I always felt scared when I thought of what happened to Shu in that season.

Shu was surprised when I didn't eat his spaghetti. 'Are you sick?' he asked.

I said nothing. Shu touched my forehead to check for a sign of fever. Valt was also looking at me in concern.

'I'm fine,' I said. 'I just... Am afraid of losing you.'

Shu looked more confused than ever. 'Losing me?' he asked. 'What are you talking about?'

'Nothing,' I muttered.

'Rose, I know that it will be hard, but we can make this work,' said Shu. 'Also, there's a time difference, so we will have to adjust the time we will call each other.'

'I know,' I said. 'Night for you will be morning for me, and vice-versa.'

'How about we watch a movie?' asked Valt.

Well, we ended up watching Alice in Wonderland (The animated version, not the live-action sequel) and I got really bored halfway through. I guess that it's not my style.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, I was still lying on the couch and all the lights were switched off. How long had I been asleep for?

To my shock, I checked my phone and saw that it was four in the morning! How on earth did I sleep for so long? It was only half past eight when we watched the movie.

I tried to go back to sleep, but was unsuccessful. After laying on the couch for half an hour, I gave up and got up.

I switched on the lights and started playing Virtual Families 2 on my phone. My real-life mother used to play this game when I was little. My real-life brother and I sometimes played it too, but I didn't like it when the characters died.

For those of you who are confused, you have to raise generations of a family in this game. Well, I was trying to make the parents have a baby when Shu walked in.

'Oh, you're up early,' he said. 'Couldn't sleep?'

I shook my head. 'But why are you up so early? It's only... Five in the morning?'

'I wake up at this time every day.'

'Every day?' I asked.

'Well, most days. I sleep in if I have a ridiculously late night or if I'm sick.'

'I told you to get enough sleep.'

'Whoa, it's not that big of a deal. I'll sleep in the plane if I feel tired later.'

'Oh. I forgot that you're leaving,' I said.

Shu and I looked at each other. 'Hey, it's going to be alright,' said Shu.

'But... I'll miss you.'

Shu sat down next to me. 'It's okay,' he said. 'I'll be fine.'

I didn't say anything else. I just hugged him. I was going to miss Shu. A lot.

Reincarnated in Beyblade Burst जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें