A Dangerous Plan

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I sometimes hung out with the BC Sol bladers. Unlike the Raging Bulls bladers, they were all very friendly and treated each other like family. Sometimes Free would be there, sometimes he wouldn't.

Once, Free complimented me on my hair, and Silas suddenly said, "Stop flirting with that girl!"

"I'm flirting?" asked Free. I guess that Silas or someone else explained to him about what flirting meant. Well, it seems like he still doesn't completely understand it.

One day, when the fourth round matches were announced, it was revealed that Valt and Shu would be going up against each other. I don't think I had ever seen Valt look so shocked.

Spryzen was getting worried about Shu. I'm terrified of what he might do. He has done... Dangerous things before.

"Dangerous as in neglecting his health?"

Actually, Shu missed you a lot in the Snake Pit. Once, he cut himself! I kept telling him to stop, but he wouldn't listen.

"He self-harmed? Oh no, that's terrible!"

I saw Valt asking Boa about what had happened to Shu at the Snake Pit, but the latter just shouted at him. I thought of what Shu was going to do. I had to do something.

I tried my best to talk to Shu again. He didn't see me this time as he was too focused on launching. I thought of getting into the training room to talk to him.


I almost had a heart attack and jumped. "Spryzen, did you have to be so loud?"

Sorry, but I sense Spryzen Requiem having a strong hold on him. He's almost completely consumed.

"Then shouldn't I try to talk to him before it's too late?"

No, it's too dangerous. If it was just Shu pretending to be Red Eye, he would just put on a cold act, but the Beyblade possessing him might hurt you, and Shu wouldn't want that.

I had already considered telling Valt and the others about me having Spryzen, but that would raise some awkward questions. Besides, I still wasn't sure how I was able to communicate with Spryzen. I just had to be careful not to talk to Spryzen in public.

"I'm really worried about Shu. I want to help him..."

"Who are you talking to?"

To my horror, I saw Theodore Glass looking at me. "N... Nothing," I said. I quickly went off.

The next day, Stella came to my door and announced that she was going to watch today's matches with me. She, like everyone else, was puzzled about Shu's complete personality change.

I wanted to cry when I saw Valtryek's tip get destroyed. Rantaro exclaimed that it wasn't the Shu he knew.

I felt devastated. It was so hard to watch someone you care about become completely unrecognisable. "Shu..." I said.

Stella was shocked as well. "What happened to your boyfriend?" she asked. "He had seemed like a nice guy."

"He used to be," I said.

But Spryzen was right. The Beyblade Shu was currently using had a strong hold on him. I needed to do something.

"I'm going to sneak into Theodore's office," I told Spryzen one night.

Are you flipping mad? You can get into trouble! And that guy could do really bad things to you.

"Sheesh, who are you, my Dad?"

You sound like Shu now.

"Sorry, but you're kind of acting like my parent."

I can't help it. I just worry about you. I don't want to see you hurt.

"Don't worry Spryzen. I have a plan. And I'm going to need some help. It has to be someone who knows Theodore well. Someone I can trust. And someone who is very familiar with the Snake Pit."


"You want my help?" asked Boa. He had just told Valt who Ashtem really was when I dragged him into a corner and asked him to help me sneak into Theodore's office.

"Please. I need to sneak into Theodore's office," I said. "And you can help me."

"Rose, this is very dangerous," he said. "Not even any of the Snake Pit bladers had dared to sneak into his office."

"Please. I need to help Shu. I need to know the purpose of Ashtem's plan."

"Rose, are you really sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Okay, but this is very risky. We have to plan very carefully."

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