What Happened To You?

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It felt weird talking to Spryzen. It was like looking into a part of Shu's mind.

Spryzen told me stories about Shu. Once Shu couldn't sleep because of a thunderstorm, so he decided to study for a test that was coming up the next day. Unfortunately he passed out during the test and nobody could wake him up, so he was taken to the infirmary so that he could rest.

"Oh, that's interesting. Shu's really scared of thunderstorms."

Don't tell Shu I said this, but I really hate his parents. Shu made them dinner for their last wedding anniversary, but they returned home after midnight. By that time, Shu had fallen asleep on the couch. His parents yelled at him to clean everything up. Shu cried himself to sleep that night.

"Poor Shu! I don't really like his parents either."

Sometimes I feel more like his parent than his partner. Shu has gone to school sick three times in the one year and ten months I have been his partner. I keep telling Shu to rest at home every time, but that stubborn boy never listens. He was only caught once. He fainted in class and was taken home.

I sighed. "That sounds like Shu all right."

Shu really seems to adore you. Once he accidentally drew hearts all over his History essay when telling me about you. He was so embarrassed about it.

Meanwhile, I was trying to figure out a plan to help Shu. I had really limited options.

In a Wattpad story, Valt had snapped Shu out of being Red Eye by giving him (platonic) True Love's Kiss. But trying to kiss some sense in Shu sounded like a silly idea. Even Kairi would think that it was idiotic.

I rewatched Season 5 of Lego Ninjago to think of any clues. But no go. In the end, I decided to go to the arena where the International Blader's Cup was going to be held for ideas.

Free had already left the Raging Bulls to go back to BC Sol. I ignored Joshua Burns as I passed him. I had to find Shu, somehow.

Just then, I noticed what looked like a clown posse. There was Kurt Baratier, a former world champion. Just then, I heard a voice call out, "Look!"

I gasped. There was Shu, walking down the hallway. Kurt stopped him. "So, you are Red Eye. I believe that I had missed you when you went to my underground lair."

I yelled, "Hey! Leave my boyfriend alone!"

Kurt looked at me. "Boyfriend? Red Eye is your boyfriend?"

"Well, he wasn't always Red Eye."

Shu started to walk away, but Kurt grabbed his shoulder. "Hold on right there. You aren't going anywhere."

Just then, a distraction arrived in the shape of Carl the parrot. He flapped around the gang, distracting them. Shu just walked in the opposite direction.

I went up to him. "Shu?" I asked. Shu just ignored me.

Valt, Rantaro and Cuza also came up. Valt tried to talk to Shu too, but got no reply.

"Don't bother talking to Red Eye," came a voice. I saw a young man with green hair, gold eyes and really pale skin. "Who are you?" asked Rantaro.

"Call me Norman Tarver, but you may remember me as Gold Eye."

Valt and Rantaro gasped, but I was focused on following Shu. I eventually found him training in a training room. I tapped on a window.

Shu looked at me. He seemed even more closed off than ever. His eyes had a blank look to them. He was clearly already possessed by Spryzen Requiem.

"Shu?" I asked. "It's me, Rose."

Shu ignored me and made the window dark, so I couldn't see inside anymore.

"Why are you talking to Red Eye?" I saw Boa looking at me.

"Because I care about him," I said.

"He lost against Lui Shirosagi," said Boa. "You were there. You saw it happen."

"Why were you spying on Shu?"

"If you mean Red Eye, I wanted to see his matches. I saw him sneak into the zoo and pull you into a room. Then I saw him leave in tears."

"Shu is so much more than just a blader," I said. "He used to be the sweetest guy ever. I don't know what happened to him, but I'm going to help him somehow."

"Whatever," said Boa. "I'm going to beat him, just you watch."

I sighed. "Very well."


Boa didn't defeat Shu. Neither did Kurt Baratier. Neither did Cuza. Not that I expected them to.

I now carried Legend Spryzen in my pocket everywhere I went. It really made Spryzen sad to see what had happened to Shu. Kairi had called me, asking what had happened to Shu.

I wondered how many of our classmates at home were watching Shu on TV and wondering what had happened to him. He seemed like a totally different person.

Even the other Raging Bulls bladers were confused. Even though they hadn't really liked Shu, it must have been a shock to see him as a strange Snake Pit blader.

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