How It All Happened (Told in Shu's POV)

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Don't look at her. Don't look at her. But I did. I saw the sadness in her face.

It has been seven months since I have met her. I knew that she was different from other girls. She didn't immediately swoon over me like all of my crazy fangirls.

However, I started falling for her the day I stopped her from getting run over. There was something about her that made my heart race. Was it her lovely red hair? Was it the kindness in her heart? Or was it the way she seemed to understand me?

Valt had noticed the way I stared at her and started to tease me about it.

"You like her!"

"No I don't!"

"You practically had hearts in your eyes! I know the 'she's just a friend' trick!"

Valt continued to pester me about my feelings for Rose. He stopped doing it when I hurt my shoulder, probably because he was too concerned about my health.

But then when I went to the hospital after the semi-finals of the District Tournament, she was there! I was shocked when she told me that she knew that I was hurt. I must have blacked out for a bit, because the next thing I knew, I was lying on the floor.

I couldn't help feeling that I could trust Rose, and I ended up confessing to her about my family situation. But then she suddenly kissed me! It was my first kiss, so I had no idea what to expect. I immediately pushed her away.

Valt suddenly turned up at that moment and was shocked. When Rose left, he kept asking me about how long we had been seeing each other in secret. It took a lot of convincing to explain that Rose and I were not official.

I wanted to talk to Rose after the finals of the District Tournament, but I was exhausted after the match and I kind of passed out on the spot. I woke up at home and Xander told me that I had fainted from exhaustion.

Well, I saw Rose again when I visited Xander's grandfather for a checkup. We admitted our feelings to each other and I actually kissed her for real. She tasted like chocolate, but I didn't tell her that.

We became a couple but kept our relationship secret. We discovered little things about each other. She learned about my fear of thunder and I learned about her fear of heights.

I actually made her charm bracelet myself. When I was little, I was obsessed with arts and crafts. I sort of lost interest when I started blading, but I made the bracelet for her on Christmas Eve. When I saw her wearing the bracelet during the Christmas party, I was really happy. It meant that she liked it.

But then Rose argued with Lui at Zac's party. I tried to talk to her, but she snapped at me and I left. I told Daigo that I didn't feel well and went home. It wasn't actually a lie. My shoulder was hurting again and I had a headache. But neither hurt as much as my heart. As soon as I reached home, I couldn't stop crying.

I fell asleep crying. When I woke up, I felt really miserable and my headache was worse. I tried getting fresh air, but it didn't help. So I decided to train for the whole day and practised using my left hand to launch.

It was late at night when I walked home. I was almost home when I saw Rose on the road, about to get hit by a car. I intervined, pushing her out of the way.

The next time I woke up, I was at the hospital! Rose was there too, and she said that I had been in a coma. She apologized to me and I forgave her.

I know that Rose only loves me, but I can't help but get jealous whenever I see another boy taking interest in her. Like that guy from the school play (what was his name? My memory seems to have holes in it) who took her charm bracelet at the Valentine's Day dance.

I started to have nightmares about my previous defeat to Lui. I was so determined to defeat him that I started to sacrifice my rest to train. I tried to keep myself awake using coffee, but I just felt sick through the whole day. Rose discovered that I hadn't been sleeping and forced me to rest. I was so physically and mentally exhausted that I let her.

Imagine my horror when Rose's parents found out about our relationship. However, they were very supportive and treated me nicely. This makes me think of an important question: Why are my girlfriend's parents nicer to me than my own parents?

My parents are actually quite wealthy, but because they are away most of the time, it makes sense that they would rent an apartment for me. It's easier to handle, and I don't want a nanny like Wakiya.

They didn't like Rose because apparently she was too poor. She's not poor, just middle class. I realised that I would never please them, no matter what I do.

When I lost to Lui and Spryzen broke, I felt that my world was in shatters. I did my best to act like everything was alright, but I was secretly crying on the inside.

I truly meant to tell everyone the moment I got accepted into the Raging Bulls. But the second I picked up my phone, I suddenly forgot what I meant to do. I only remembered several days later.

My roommate Howard kept rolling his eyes every time he saw the photo of Rose in our room. He said that she looked too much like Ariel. I was angry at that. I knew that my teammates were mocking me behind my back, but he was acting like looking like Ariel was an insult.

Howard even called Rose Ariel all of the time when he met her. And then Free came and well, I started feeling jealous of him!

I don't think that he actually likes Rose that way, but I couldn't stop myself from getting super jealous. Then I lost to Free in a Beyblade battle and that was the last straw.

Rose called me the day after I vanished. She invited me to the amusement park with her friend, but I was already at the Snake Pit, but I couldn't tell her that.

"Don't call me again."

"You're not breaking up with me, aren't you?"

"I'm not. It's... Too dangerous for you to know."


"Goodbye, Rose."

I felt really terrible after ending the call. But whatever happens, I will not let Rose get mixed up in this. I have made a choice, and I meant it to only affect me.

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