Rescue Mission

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Okay, I still had no idea why I said that to Shu. He probably thinks that I'm a silly person. Kairi wouldn't stop teasing me about it.

'Oh Rose, how can you say such a thing in front of your boyfriend, of all people?'

'I don't know. I didn't think, okay? I know that I must have looked stupid. Stop making fun of me.'

'Hey, I'm only teasing. If I was you, I would have probably said something stupid too.'

Kairi and I were having a sleepover at my room. We were talking about random stuff.

'I'm a bit worried about the Beyclub,' said Kairi. 'I thought that Rantaro would blow up at Wakiya today. I wouldn't blame him. Wakiya can be really annoying sometimes.'

I sighed and shook my head. Wakiya had lit the bonfire without telling the others and stolen most of Rantaro's food. Since I had already expected that to happen, I wasn't really surprised.

'I'm sure that they will be fine,' I said. 'Besides, it could have been worse.'

Kairi stared at me disbelievingly. 'How could it be worse?'

How about everything that happened in Season 2? Well, I didn't say that out loud, of course. So I said nothing.

'How's your finger?' asked Kairi. 'I was so scared when you cut yourself. I thought that you were going to bleed to death.'

'Kairi, no one has ever bled to death from cutting their finger.'

'You know what my family's like. I couldn't stop panicking.'

'Well, my finger should be fine.' Shu had helped bandage my finger up carefully. I would be lying if I said that my heart was not going pitter pat the entire time.

'Did you like the book I gave you for Christmas?'

'Yeah, I have read it loads of times.'

'Really? Wow, you must be a fast reader.'

It was true that I'm a fast reader, but Kairi doesn't know that I have first read the book six years ago.


I wasn't allowed near the cooking section the next day. I guess that everyone is paranoid that I may cut myself again. Instead, I helped Toko and Nika collect fruit from trees.

'Rose, could you collect that apple from that tree over there?' asked Nika. But it was a very tall tree, so I knew that there was no way I would be able to pick the apple.

I shook my head. 'I don't like heights. Besides, it seems a little dangerous to climb.'

Just then, Wakiya and Hoji Konda came jogging around the corner. The Aoi twins asked Wakiya to pick the apple, but of course Wakiya refused. As soon as he left, Hoji explained about Wakiya's fear of heights.

I wondered if I could talk to Wakiya for a bit. I didn't know much about him. I knew that his parents were hardly around and his nannies spoiled him. I went to the room where Wakiya was training.

He looked annoyed. 'What do you want?' he asked coldly.

'Is there a reason for your behaviour?'

'Why do you care?' asked Wakiya. 'Just leave me alone.'

'Look, I know that there's more to you than you're showing right now. But you're hiding it for some reason. Why's that?'

'Why would I care of what people think of me?' asked Wakiya. 'It doesn't matter.'

'Maybe it wouldn't matter to a different person, but I think that it matters to you.'


'You are capable of being kind and considerate to others. I saw that side of you the day we met. But you choose to hide it. Why's that?'

Wakiya looked uncomfortable. 'You won't understand,' he said.

'Maybe I won't, but I'll try to keep an open mind.'

'Fine,' said Wakiya. 'My parents only had me to have an heir to their business. Most of the time, they treat me like I'm invisible. Hoji was the first real friend I have. Everyone else quickly judges me. I know that I can be boastful sometimes, but I just can't help it. No one had ever stopped me.'

'Well, it's not easy to break a habit you have had for a long time. If you told me to go a day without reading a book, I wouldn't be able to do it.'

Wakiya opened his mouth to ask more, but Hoji came in at that instant. Kairi was with him.

'It's almost time for lunch,' said Kairi. Then she noticed Wakiya. 'Oh, hi.'

Wakiya said nothing, but looked at his feet.

Lunch was enjoyable, though I made sure to avoid Valt's burnt beybread. I noticed the twins whispering about something. I had a nagging feeling I knew what it was about.

As soon as lunch was over, I went up to them. 'Don't you two even think of going back to the forest alone. It's going to rain soon. You two will get soaked.'


Of course, the twins didn't listen. That's how three hours later, we were searching for Toko and Nika. As I had expected, Wakiya found them first. But there was only one problem.

I stared at the bridge in horror. It looked so unsafe and unsteady. If I was standing on it, I would be terrified out of my wits.

Kairi looked at me. 'Are you okay? You look as terrified as Wakiya.'

Not helping! The look on Wakiya's face as he looked at the bridge was really horrifying. He looked like he wanted to faint and throw up at the same time.

Even though he had a rope tied around his waist, Wakiya still looked terrified. That's when I noticed something strange about the bridge.

Kairi gasped. 'I think that the bridge is about to fall!'

Now I was frozen with fear. The bridge was about to fall? That didn't happen in the show - did it?

Everyone grabbed the other end of the rope, but Wakiya suddenly fell over and refused to get up.

'It's no good,' said Daigo. 'He's too scared to hear us.'

Valt quickly ran to Wakiya and helped him and the twins across the bridge. Just as they all safely arrived at the other side, the whole bridge fell apart.

Great, now I'll never think of the London Bridge nursery rhyme the same way again.

Kairi bent down to Wakiya. 'Are you okay?' she asked.

Wakiya stared at her. 'Errr... I think so?'

I suddenly thought of my silly answer to Shu and gave him a glance. I noticed that he was looking at me too.

Before I knew it, everyone was laughing. It wasn't long before I started laughing too. I don't know why, but the whole situation suddenly seemed very funny to me.

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