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I didn't go back to the Raging Bulls for the next few days. I didn't respond to any of my texts and phone calls.

I had no idea if the Leagues had started or not. I just thought about Stella.

How could that girl be so selfish? Did she expect me to hand everything over on a silver platter? At least I didn't have to give up my charm bracelet.

I was missing Shu, but I couldn't explain everything from a phone call or text message. But I didn't feel like going to the Raging Bulls to explain to him either.

As I lay on my bed thinking about all the recent events, I heard a knock on the door. 'Go away,' I said.

'Actually, someone is here to see you,' said my new Mom.

'I don't want company,' I said. 'Tell them to leave me alone.'

'Okay, I will tell Shu that...'

Well, that caught my attention. 'Wait! Don't tell Shu to go!' I ran all the way downstairs faster than you could say, 'Wingardium Leviosa!'

Shu was sitting on a couch in my grandparents' living room. He seemed really bored. My grandfather was talking in his ear.

Both of my grandparents were really chatty. Shu really seems to always associate himself with really extroverted people.

'Shu!' I called out.

Shu saw me and smiled. 'Hi Rose,' he said. 'I missed you.'

'Oh, this is so sweet,' said my grandmother. 'I must have a picture of the two of you!'

'Grandma, I don't think this is a good time to...'

But she wasn't going to listen to a word I said. We had to sit next to each other and smile for photos. Like this isn't prom night!

It wasn't until later when Shu asked me what had happened.

'Why did you stop coming over? Kairi called me and said that you haven't been responding to her either.'

'I'm sorry, I had a fight with Stella.'

'A fight?'

The next thing I knew, tears were running down my cheeks and I was hugging Shu as I told him all about how Stella expected me to give her my things if she wanted them.

'Why didn't you tell me on the phone or something?' asked Shu.

'I don't know,' I said. 'I guess that I was just afraid.'

'Well, I also have to tell you something,' said Shu. 'My teammates are... Mocking me.'

'Wait what?'

'They say rude things about me preferring to train alone. And once a guy called me a really rude word. I don't want to tell you what it is.'

'You are getting bullied!'

'It's no big deal,' said Shu. 'I'm not bothered. They aren't physically hurting me.'

Surprisingly, my new Mom entered the conversation. 'Bullying is bullying, whether it bothers you or not. If you don't do something about it, they won't stop. It could become worse over time.'

'Remember when Tamiko bullied me?' I asked. 'You wouldn't stand for it and told her off.'

'Who's Tamiko?' asked Shu.

Argh! Stupid retrograde amnesia!

'Never mind,' I said. 'The point is that I won't let your teammates bully you.'

It wasn't long before I was on my way to the Raging Bulls to see Shu's teammates. Even if that meant having to be called Ariel by his irritating roommate.

Sure enough, I saw Dylan Summers talking to some other guy I don't know about Shu.

'Seriously, that excuse about running was just so that he could watch BC Sol's match. Like, what is so interesting about that team besides Free De La Hoya?'

'Hey!' I yelled. 'How dare you make fun of Shu like that!'

Dylan looked at me. 'You again?' he asked.

'Yeah! Me again. And did you not listen to me when I told you to not make fun of Shu?'

'Well, if he needs a little girl to protect him, then...'

'He doesn't speak up because he's too nice, not because he needs protection! Don't you know how angry he gets when Lui's around?'

Dylan looked angry. 'How about I throw you off the building?'

'No!' yelled Shu. 'I won't let you do this to her!'

But Dylan didn't listen. No, he didn't throw me off the building. He just pushed me down the stairs. And I accidentally took Shu with me.

I don't really remember what happened next. I was in so much pain, and I think that Shu was hurt too. I think that the Raging Bulls trainer saw us and took us to the infirmary.

Luckily, I wasn't badly hurt. I did have some bruises, but I think that Shu hurt his shoulder again. He kept insisting that he's fine, but I knew better.

'I'm so sorry,' I told him. 'I was only trying to make things better.'

'It's fine,' said Shu. 'It was an accident. The you falling on me bit.'

We started to get closer to each other, but the nurse came into the room just as we were about to kiss.

'Whoa there,' she said. 'Leave your makeout sessions for when you're alone.'

Just as we were exiting the infirmary (while holding hands), we heard people gossiping.

'Is it true?' asked someone. 'Is Free De La Hoya really a member of our team now?'

Has Free arrived already? This was something I had to see.

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