Shu, Talk To Me

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Boa and I laid out our plans carefully. Boa would cause a distraction so that I could sneak in. A good time to do so would be during the finals of the International Blader's Cup.

Although I really wanted to see the iconic battle between Valt and Shu, I knew that this was more important.

By the time we had finalised our plans, the semi-finals were done. Shu had beaten Lui (while destroying Luinor in the process) and Free had been forced to forfeit his match due to having an injury. Kris had taken him off the battle.

Now that I think about it, Free and Kris were like brother and sister. They may be adoptive cousins, but they had a strong sibling bond.

I was so focused on my plan that I was shocked to see Wakiya show up in a helicopter with the Beyclub, Valt's family, and Kairi! I was really happy to see them.

I had forgotten what beybread tasted like. It was as delicious as always.

Later, Daigo and Ken tried to talk to Shu, but he gave no response. Kairi and I came along too.

"You're not the Shu we used to know," said Besu.

"Come on Shu, it's us," said Daigo.

"Shu, I don't know what happened to you, but I know that you're in there somewhere," said Kairi. "Please, give a response."

Uh oh.

I got worried when I felt Spryzen getting nervous. A dark red aura was now surrounding Shu.

Shu started to walk away, but Ken wasn't giving up. He tried to connect to Shu through Besu, but Shu rudely shoved Besu away, tearing the puppet.

"Besu!" called out Ken in his real voice.

Angry, Daigo pounded on the door of the training room Shu had gone into. "Open up! We're not done talking!" Unfortunately, Shu seemed to think otherwise, switching off the light in his room.

Kairi sighed. "I just don't understand," she said. "What happened to the kindhearted Shu I used to know?"

Valt, Rantaro and Wakiya were saddened to see what Shu had done to Besu. "Let's face the truth. Shu isn't coming back," said Wakiya. "He's a changed person."

"No," I said softly. "Shu would never..." I started to cry again. I think that Spryzen was just as sad as I am.

I had to try to talk to Shu one last time. I refused to give up on him. I knew that Valt would eventually save him, but I had to try.

I went to the training room and waited outside. After what seemed like forever, Shu came out. No, not Shu.

"Spryzen Requiem, get out of Shu's body right now!" I yelled. Shu looked at me.

"Yes, I know who you are," I said. "If you don't unpossess Shu, I will..."

Bad idea. Spryzen Requiem had pinned me to the wall. This was a bad idea, said Spryzen.

"You think that you can defeat me?" asked Requiem. "That pitiful human Red Eye is under my control. He has been trying to fight through from the start, but he's too weak."

Let Shu go at once! yelled Spryzen.

"Sorry, but no can do," said Spryzen Requiem. "I could kill you right now, but it would be more satisfying to watch you suffer."

I was terrified. What would Requiem do to me? Suddenly, he let me go.

"You're lucky your ex-boyfriend would rather die than see you get hurt," said Requiem. "If you dare come anywhere near him again, I will not hesitate to make him suffer."

You wouldn't dare. Shu!

I jumped at Spryzen's voice. "Spryzen, what is it?"

Shu's calling out to me. And to you. He sensed my presence. He is trying to fight against Requiem, but he has been weakened. He said that he loves you and he's sorry for everything.

I gasped. "Well, it looks like I will have to accelerate my plan. And this time I will do it alone. I can't risk getting Boa or Shu hurt."

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