Fubuki Sumiye

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I think that I must have dozed off at some point, for the next thing I knew, it was late evening. I sat up and looked for Shu. But he was gone!

Well, there was good news and bad news. The good news was that Shu hadn't gone off too far. The bad news was that he was sleepwalking again.

I found Shu at the Beypark. I was practically an expert sleepwalker shepherd by now and led him home. The I put him to bed.

I decided to sleep next to him in case he sleepwalked again. Really, Shu was just as likely to get into trouble as Valt when asleep.

However, I woke up feeling really cold the next day. Shu wasn't in bed with me, so he was probably already awake.

For some reason, it took me forever to drag myself to the dining room. There was a plate of chocolate chip pancakes with a note next to it.

Dear Rose,

I have no idea how I got back home yesterday. Well, I went out for a jog. I made you breakfast and lunch. Just heat up the spaghetti in the fridge. I will be at the school if you want to see me. Call me if you need anything. See you later.


For some reason, I wasn't hungry at all. I ended up skipping both breakfast and lunch. I didn't even have the energy to text Shu to tell him how I felt. I just laid on the couch the whole day.

I fell asleep again and woke up in the evening. I was shocked. How did it get so late? I tried to sit up, but I felt really dizzy.

Just then, I heard the sound of somebody placing a key in the doorknob. Shu must be home!

The door opened to reveal Shu and Fubuki. I was so surprised to see the two boys that I just stared at them blankly.

Shu suddenly got concerned. "Rose, are you okay? You look terrible!"

I haven't changed my pyjamas and my hair was probably in a mess, but I didn't care and snuggled up to him. Shu touched my forehead.

"Rose, you have a fever! I'll get you some soup and medicine."

I almost protested that I didn't want medicine, but then I remembered making Shu take it when he was sick and went quiet.

Fubuki went over to me. "Shu, is this your girlfriend?"

Shu went a little red. "Fubuki, this is Rose Charmille. You two already met."

"Oh yeah, I remember now," said Fubuki. "Do you want some juice? My Mom says that orange juice has a lot of Vitamin C and is good for colds."

I probably did have a cold. I had been completely soaked yesterday. "Can I have a blanket?" I asked.

Shu wrapped me in a blanket and fed me soup. After that, he gave me my medicine. I stuck out my tongue afterwards.

"Don't like the taste?" asked Shu.

"It's bitter," I complained.

Shu giggled. "Well, I would carry you, but my arm is preventing me from doing so."

"I guess that I can walk," I said. Although I still felt weak, I could still manage to walk to the guest room.

Fubuki asked Shu if my condition was serious. Shu assured him that I just had the flu and I should be better after some rest.

Just then, I remembered something. "Shu! I'm supposed to call my parents every night. I was a little late yesterday and my parents were worried. What will they say once they know that I'm sick?"

"Tell them you just caught a bug or something," suggested Fubuki.

"And how do I explain that? The real reason is because I fell in the sea and almost drowned," I told him. "I already almost drowned once before, and I wasn't even in the water."

"How can you drown if you're not in a body of water?" asked Fubuki.

I groaned. I didn't really feel like explaining everything to him.

Shu patted Fubuki's head, making the latter giggle. "Fubuki, Rose needs to rest. I'll make dinner for you in a bit. You can go and watch cartoons."

Fubuki gave a squeal of excitement and went off.

There was a sense of familiarity between Shu and Fubuki. It seemed like they knew each other really well.

As if Shu was reading my mind, he told me, "Fubuki has had it rough for the past year. His older brother Akeno passed away from cancer."

I was stunned. "Fubuki has an older brother?"

"Had," corrected Shu. "I once met Akeno when I was new to blading. He was going to enter the District Tournament that year, but he passed away before he had the chance."

I felt bad for Fubuki. Was that why he looked up to Shu so much? Because he reminded him of his brother?

Shu told me about how he had met Fubuki that day and their battles. I felt tired, so I fell asleep quickly.

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