Apologies and Explanations

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It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Everyone was just staring open-mouthed. I guess that no one wanted to believe that it was real. But it was.

I just couldn't believe this was happening. I had wanted to prevent this moment, but I couldn't. I should have tried harder to persuade Shu to get Spryzen fixed.

It wasn't long before people started crying, Valt and Nika being some of them. Shu was wearing his usual neutral expression, but I could see the pain in his eyes. I just stared blankly as I watched him pick up Spryzen from the beydish and turned around to walk out.

'Hey!' called Lui.

Shu turned around. 'What?' he asked coldly.

'Come on. Aren't you upset that I tore your bey to pieces?' asked Lui.

I thought that it was a bit of an exaggeration. I didn't know if Lui was just trying to be clever or something like that. Besides, he wasn't really responsible for Spryzen breaking.

Shu turned around, obviously very angry. I covered my eyes, feeling terrified and helpless. It seemed that no matter what I did, I couldn't change the inevitable. Or could I?

There was still time for me to prevent the Red Eye incident from happening. Now that I knew Shu better, I could be able to help him in some way. But first...

I stormed up to Lui. 'Who are you?' he asked.

'I can't believe that you've forgotten already!' I said. 'Do you seriously not remember who I am?'

'No I don't,' said Lui.

Now I was furious. I punched Lui in his stomach.

I don't think that I hurt Lui much, because I was too weak to open a bottle cap. Still, he looked pretty shocked.

'I just got punched by a girl,' said Lui. He seemed stunned. I don't know whether to be annoyed that I was just a girl to him, or to shake my head.

Just then, Zac and Akira came over. 'My my, what's going on here?' asked Zac.

'I just got punched by a girl,' said Lui again. Uh oh. I think that I broke him.

'You punched Lui Shirosagi?' asked Akira. 'Wow, I never imagined that anyone would dare to...'

I thought that it would be a good idea to disappear before Lui regained control of his senses (if he ever did), so I ran out of there. Well, I know one thing for certain.

There was no way Lui was going to forget who I was after this incident.


I thought that my heart was going to break after seeing Shu look so sad at the beach. I slowly went up to him, not wanting to scare him.

Shu kept apologizing to Spryzen. 'I'm sorry. I guess... I guess that I pushed you too hard.'

'Shu?' I asked.

Shu gasped as he turned around to see me. I could see that he had been crying.

'Shu, are you... Okay?'

'I'm... I'm fine.'

'Shu, stop it.'

'Stop what?'

'Stop swallowing your emotions! Do you know how upset I feel when I see you swallowing your emotions and pretending that everything is fine when it's obviously not? I actually want to see you show some appropriate emotion for once!'

Shu looked down at the ground. I could see that I was slowly breaking down his barriers.

'Please, Shu, this isn't healthy. You have a right to let yourself feel bad or overwhelmed. You've been strong for way too long.'

Suddenly, Shu burst into tears. It wasn't full-on crying. It was more like silent sobs. He had now made himself completely vulnerable.

I hugged him the same way he had hugged me some days before. Then Shu said, 'I'm sorry.'

I was confused. 'What for?' I asked.

'I should have listened to you,' said Shu. 'But I was so determined to train to beat Lui that I completely ignored you. Now I have broken my promise to Valt.'

'I don't think that Valt will be mad though. He's too kind.'

Shu sighed. 'I don't deserve a friend like Valt,' he said. 'He's too nice to me.'

As if on cue, I heard Valt yell out, 'SHUUUUUUUUU!'

Whoops! I had totally forgotten that Valt was coming to check on Shu. 'I should better leave the two of you alone,' I told Shu. I wanted Valt and Shu to have their own BFF moment.

I couldn't help but watch them from behind a bush though. Valt told Shu that he would beat Lui for him. It was so sweet to see them bonding. Then Valt gave Valtryek to Shu and went to swim in the ocean. I couldn't help noticing the sad expression on Shu's face though.

I wonder why he didn't seem to want to go in the water though.


I was shocked to see that I had been spied on as well. I almost fell over as I spun to see who was watching me.

It was Kairi. 'Uh, hi,' she said awkwardly.

'What do you want?' I asked coldly.

'I... I wanted to talk to you,' said Kairi.

'Just go away,' I said. I was about to walk away when Kairi grabbed my hand.

'Just hear me out! Please.'

I sighed. 'Fine. But only for five minutes.'

'Rose, I didn't know how hurtful I must have been. It's just that my sister Sakura only has tomboy friends and they shame her for being feminine. So I started hating on tomboys for being so rough.'

'But what does that have to do with Akira and trans people?'

'I thought that if you were born a girl or boy, you should accept that. But then Akira caught up to me and explained why he wanted to be a girl. I realized that he should be allowed to be who he wants to be.'

'You have been really spiteful to Akira. If someone insulted me for liking Ninjago, I would be very upset.'

'I'm really sorry, Rose. And... I would like to be friends again, if that's fine with you.'

I couldn't help but smile. 'All right. We can be friends. As a matter of fact, I think that I could use a bit of help with my performance in the school musical...'

I think that it won't be long before Kairi and I forget that we had a falling out at all.

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