I Had No Idea!

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I usually liked to sleep in during weekends, but today I woke up at eight in the morning. I couldn't stop thinking about what Shu had told me.

I didn't realize how scared he was of losing. I suddenly understood why he always seemed to take losing so hard.

Shu felt so much pressure from trying to be perfect that he always felt that he couldn't afford to show any weakness, whether from being a student or in beyblade battles.

My new Mom was surprised to see me up so early. 'Awake already?' she asked.

'Yeah,' I said. 'Is Shu up yet?'

'No, he's still sleeping,' she said. 'And your father just woke up.'

My new Dad came into the dining room, yawning. 'Good morning,' he said as he gave my new Mom a kiss. I quickly covered my eyes. I already had seen enough of this with my real life parents.

Then my new Dad said something surprising. 'Rose, why didn't you say that your friend is a sleepwalker?'

My mouth dropped open in shock. 'Shu, a sleepwalker?'

Now it was my new Dad's turn to have his mouth drop open in shock. 'Shu? As in Shu Kurenai of the Supreme Four?'

My new Mom looked confused. 'Michael, what are you talking about?'

'One of my co-workers has a daughter Rose's age and he says that she is crazy about some boy named Shu Kurenai. Apparently he's a very famous beyblader, and quite good looking too. But I heard that he already has a girlfriend.'

I felt myself go red. What would my new parents say if they knew that I was Shu's girlfriend?

'Rose, are you friends with a child celebrity?' asked my new Mom.

'Well, yes, but don't mention that to Shu. He doesn't really like being famous.'

'Well, when I came home, I saw your friend changing channels on TV. It was a bit odd since there's never anything good there after midnight. I asked him what he was doing, but then I realised that he was sleepwalking. I guided him back to the guest room. It was really creepy.'

So Shu sleepwalked too? I decided that there was something I had to investigate.


After doing a little research on sleepwalking, I came to the conclusion that it wasn't a good thing. Apparently a person is more likely to sleepwalk if they were sleep deprived, stressed, or sick.

Shu was definitely sleep deprived. And I found out that my life was a lie!

When I was younger, I always imagined sleepwalkers to walk around with arms outstretched. Mental note: Don't believe everything you see in movies or TV shows.

In reality, sleepwalkers may engage in normal activity or do extreme things they wouldn't do when conscious. They would have glassy looks in their eyes. They also won't remember any sleepwalking episodes. However, they would usually be very tired when they wake up.

Sheesh, this sleepwalking thing was not going to help Shu catch up on his sleep.

I made sure to peek in the guest room to check that Shu was still asleep. Thankfully he was. But then I noticed something.

Shu must be more exhausted than I realise. For he had at least ten missed calls from Valt, which he had all slept through. And his phone started ringing again when I was still in the room. I decided to answer it myself.

I grabbed Shu's phone and then went out of the room so that I wouldn't disturb him. But when I answered the call, I was almost deafened.


'Valt, stop yelling, I can hear you. And Shu's sleeping.'

'Rose?' asked Valt in a quieter voice. 'What are you doing with Shu's phone? And what do you mean, Shu's still sleeping? It's almost ten and he never sleeps in that late. He never sleeps in at all, come to think about that.'

'It's a long story,' I told him. 'And the reason Shu isn't answering his door is because he's sleeping at my house.'

I heard a gasp from Valt's side and said, 'It's not what you think! I just didn't trust Shu to sleep alone because of his habit of overworking, so I brought him to my house so that I could keep an eye on him.

'What are you, his Mom?' asked Valt.

I groaned. 'Valt, not you too,' I said.

'Hey, it's alright. Shu isn't the type to look after himself, so it makes sense that you want to look after him. I sometimes do it too.'

'Look, I'll tell Shu that you called,' I said.

'Okay,' said Valt. 'See ya.'

'Bye,' I said.

Valt hung up. That was when I noticed Shu's contact names.

I had never imagined Shu to get creative at using contact names. Valt was BFF, Daigo was EmoBoy, and Rantaro was LollipopLover. I blushed a little when I saw that my contact was called Rosebud. Shu and I had exchanged contact numbers during the training camp.

However, my smile dropped when I noticed Shu's messages between his parents. I knew that it was wrong to look through his messages (I would hate it if someone did that to me) I had a nagging feeling that something wasn't quite right.

The majority of Shu's messages went something like this, Hi Mom/Dad, I miss you. or When are you coming to visit?

It was awfully heartbreaking. I never thought of Shu's parents being so cold. Neither of them sent any messages back. And it seemed that Shu would call them every day, and they were all missed calls.

Maybe sleep deprivation wasn't the only reason for Shu's sleepwalking. He was also probably missing his parents badly.

I wondered if I dared call Shu's parents. I decided that I wouldn't risk it. However, I wrote down their phone numbers in my notebook, just in case. Then I returned Shu's phone to the guest room.

I had learned quite a lot about Shu in the past 24 hours, but I didn't like everything I had found out.

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